Constraint comparator: failed entity ... property "old_state.state" with value 24 failed "<=" check against (num) 15"

Hi, I get the folloging error message in Node-RED “constraint comparator: failed entity “sensor.bad_oben_average_temperature” property “old_state.state” with value 24 failed “<=” check against (num) 15”.
It seems for me that the problem comes from the second condition. From my point of view the first and the second condition are almost the same and I have no idea what could be wrong with the second. I’ve set “State type” to “number” and for the comparisons I use “0 9”.
Does anybody have an idea what I’ve done be wrong?
Thanks and regards,

Isn’t that what you would expect? 24 is not less than 15, so it fails that test. The debug info is just telling you that. It’s not telling you something is wrong.

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Great, thanks for the response!
It seems that I completely misinterpreted the Debug (Constraint comparator: failed and failed “<=” check against (num) 15) output. Failed didn’t mean something failed it just tells me that the condition is not true.

Please mark Michaels reply as the solution then so other users seeking similar advice can better find it.

I tried to mark Michael’s reply as the solution, but I didn’t find exactly how to do it. Could you help me out how to do it?
This is what it looks like on my screen.