Construction of JSON payload in automation action

I want to pass some info out on MQTT to a Tasmotised ESP32 so it can display it.
I’ve sorted the ESP to do the decoding and displaying using the payload below just typed in to the automation action.


Now I’m trying to construct a Template to get the 4 values from 4 numeric state entities and I’m struggling.
Is it possible and can someone give me an example template for me to crib from?

Cracked it. Needed to use a |tojson filter on the things needing double quotes.
This went into the Payload template box in the Action/Call Service/MQTT:Publish

{{"{"+"Hours"|tojson +":"+ states("sensor.burn_time_by_day")+","+ 
"Oil"|tojson +":"+ states("sensor.oil_litres_today")+","+
"KWh"|tojson +":"+ states("sensor.oil_energy")+","+
"Cost"|tojson +":"+ states("sensor.oil_cost_today")+"}"}}

Produced this result


Left here for anyone else searching for this.

You can reduce the template to this:

{{ {"Hours": states('sensor.burn_time_by_day'),
    "Oil": states('sensor.oil_litres_today'),
    "KWh": states('sensor.oil_energy'),
    "Cost": states('sensor.oil_cost_today')} }}
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Oh yeah. I’m sure I started out with something like that in the Developer Tools section but just kept getting TemplateSyntaxError. I guess I just didn’t hit it perfectly.
Edit - Actually whilst it looks like works, it put quotes around the numeric values for some reason and that doesn’t get interpreted correctly at the other end. Maybe there’s a simple hybrid solution but for now i’ll stick with my complicated one.
Edit Edit - The quotes go if you stick a |float after each value.

{{ {"Hours": states('sensor.burn_time_by_day')|float,
    "Oil": states('sensor.oil_litres_today')|float,
    "KWh": states('sensor.oil_energy')|float,
    "Cost": states('sensor.oil_cost_today')|float} }}
  1. Your template doesn’t need to concatenate everything with so many + operators.
  2. I don’t see the need for using tojson anywhere in your template. It’s for converting an object to JSON. A string like Hours isn’t an object.

In fact my hybrid with the '|float’s doesn’t cut it. It seems to work in the Developer Tools/Template section where the output looks fine, But when I use it in my Automation with the Service: MQTT_Publish, MQTT Explorer doesn’t recognise it as a JSON object and neither does my ESP32 Tasmota device.
This is copied and pasted from MQTT Explorer using my original Template


and this using the one with floats that it doesn’t recognise as JSON

{'Hours': 0.0, 'Oil': 0.0, 'KWh': 0.0, 'Cost': 0.0}

One difference is double vs single quotes. Interesting that they are different colours so there must be some significance in it.
Another are the spaces in the hybrid which if I take them out of the Template get put back in again in the output!
I’m definitely sticking with my original.
PS. I had to use the |tojson to get the double quotes around the keys.

Tack on a tojson at the end and it will ensure it uses double-quotes.

{{ {"Hours": states('sensor.burn_time_by_day') | float(0),
    "Oil": states('sensor.oil_litres_today') | float(0),
    "KWh": states('sensor.oil_energy') | float(0),
    "Cost": states('sensor.oil_cost_today') | float(0)} | tojson }}

The float(0) is needed if you want the key’s value to be reported as a number. Without it, it will be reported as a string value. You should specify a default value. Otherwise, if the sensor’s value is non-numeric, float will fail whereas float(0) will report 0.

If you have a moment, try this version. It separates data from formatting, for improved legibility, and avoids duplicating the float filter, for neatness.

The result looks correct in the Template Editor (double-quotes are preserved) but the real test is how it will be interpreted as an MQTT payload.

{% set x =
  | map('states') | map('float', 0) | list %}
{{ '{"Hours": %d, "Oil": %d, "KWh": %d, "Cost": %d}' | format(*x)  }}
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Both of those work OK at the far end and in MQTT Explorer.
In the last you had the formatting to d so the values came through as integers; I changed them to 5.2f. And, interestingly, the former one, with tojson at the end, changed the list into alphabetical order which confused me for a few seconds. I keep coming across ‘map’ but have no idea what it is; must look into it.
Good learning.

You can use Home Assistant’s to_json filter and specify if you want sorting or not.

I used %d for illustration purposes only. To display floating point numbers you can simply use %f or what you did which constrains the quantity of significant digits.

Glad to hear it was useful.

May I suggest that you mark one of these templates as the Solution to avoid directing other users to the initial example. It may work but it goes about it in a roundabout way (like adding two numbers this way {{ ['1'|int, '1'|int]|sum }}).

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