So had our Victron inverter hooked up to HA since ~August, but I’ve realised that the sum of hourly consumed solar doesn’t appear to be tallying up to the day level (if I go from day view to week view). In the overall summary the total produced solar is agreeing with what Victron said in their app (give or take a bit).
Energy use today - 2.01kWh of consumed solar (summing yellow bars)
But week view has no mention of it for today
Victron: 2.1 from solar (was 2.0 just took too long to get the snip)
The hourly values look correct as we’ve had a very low solar day and been using some battery and some solar (maybe a few hundred watts at a time).
On other days, I have the consumed solar value but it never matches the sum of the day view. Am I missing something here? Should the day view not show 2.01kWh of consumed solar?
So where is the ‘missing’ solar going on the weekly view?