Consumption-based Coffee Pot Status

Good day, Home Assistant Community!

I’ve created quite a few threshold sensors and complimentary automations for various dumb appliances around my home using Kasa smart plugs, and they all work great.

The coffee pot is stumping me, however. The usage looks like this:
The wider heartbeat is when the coffee pot moves to only keeping the warming plate hot, which would be when we would want the sensor indicating whether or not the coffee is currently brewing to change from on to off. Effectively, I want to make the beeper on the coffee pot smarter, without tearing apart the coffee maker to do so.

I’ve tried the usual paths, but the heartbeat-like plate warming is messing with the minimum duration that would normally be used, and we get repeated alerts every time the plate stops warming. I’ve tried then setting a minimum duration for it to change from off to on in the automation to reduce flapping, but the duration from brew to plate warming is shorter than the duration between plate warming cycles, so the automation never fires. It seems like I need to find a way to discard outlier short bursts from my data set once the the consumption falls below a certain threshold for more than roughly a minute.

I’m looking for ideas on next things to try. They don’t have to be complete designs or include code, I’m just looking for additional paths to explore. Has anyone encountered this before, and if so, how would you/did you handle it?