I open my closet a speaker says “ good morning “weather for today” then reads my iOS reminders for the day
If the closet speaker is connected to network and you can access them with HA, you could use Shortcuts app on your ios to read those and send them through API to HA andet HA do the TTS part.
If your speakers are not connected to the network, then you need a simple media hub that talks to HA and sends sound to speaker.
I plan on buying things for this project. So I should just look for a cheap wifi speaker? Any suggestions?
Depends on your uses and quality preferences. Want to listen to music too?
Something simple like a google home mini should do. Maybe a sonos one if you like a bit more sound to it.
Where do you host HA on? Does it have audio ports? Like a 3.5 mm jack? Maybe you can connect the host and speaker you have right now? Because this integration can do it all for you: GitHub - bushvin/hass-integrations: My custom Home Assistant integrations
If not then maybe one of those smaller speakers will suit your needs.