Context-aware group names?

Hi Guys,

I’ve just started with Home Assistant, my second day of work.

Do I find this to not be unavailable or just cant find information how to configure it?

What I have is

  1. “Default View” which gives overview off all my Groups.
  2. “4 Master groups” which nest the rest of the Groups in logical arrangements

I have a group called “Entrance” and nested group card “Sensors” inside:

Now I also list the “Sensors” nested group under the “Default View” group.
As I will have different “Sensors” groups for different areas, I need to provide context-aware friendly_name such as “Entrance Sensors” in this scenario and not just the default “Sensors”:

I tried Andrey CustomUI but didn’t seamed possible or documented.

Can you please advise if this can be done?

I think I found my error… and fixed it. Working as expected.
My config below:


> homeassistant:
>   #Custom UI customization - context-aware attributes
>   customize_glob:
>     "*.*":
>       custom_ui_state-card: state-card-custom-ui
>     group.entrance_sensors:
>       friendly_name: "Entrance Sensors"
>       icon: mdi:door     
>       group:
>         group.entrance:
>           friendly_name: "Door Sensors"


> default_view:
>   name: Everything
>   view: yes
>   icon: mdi:earth
>   entities:
>    -
>    - group.master_bedroom
>    - group.joanna_bedroom
>    - group.joanna_playroom
>    -
>    - group.living_room
>    - group.passage
>    - group.pergola
>    - group.alfresco
>    - group.all_cameras
>    - group.outdoor_cameras
>    - group.indoor_cameras
>    - group.entrance_cameras
>    - group.entrance_sensors
> entrance:
>   name: Entrance
>   view: yes
>   icon: mdi:run-fast
>   entities:
>    - group.entrance_cameras
>    - group.entrance_sensors
> entrance_sensors:
>   name: "Entrance Sensors"
>   entities:
>    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001e037e7