Continuity sensor


I have an analog thermostat in my heating system.
Is there a sensor to test if the thermostat cirtuit is open or closed?, i.e. to test the continuity of the cable passing through the thermostat.

I’d preffer a sensor working out of the box, because for instance I cannot use ESPHome as my system is in another LAN different from where HA is installed.


I think I can use contacts S1 and S2 of a Sonoff mini in parallel with the thermostat.

You might even be able to use the probes on a water leak detector?

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In which leak detector model do you have easy access to the probes?
I haven’t use any leak detector previously.

You could just use a GPi pin of your computer?

I have a Samsung smartthings zigbee leak sensor that has a pair of brass contacts on the top. Shorting the pins will instantly change state in HA.