Continuous busy save button for all lovelace cards ! Help please!

Hi, I was in the process of adding a picture entity card for a camera and something very weird has happened as a result. I know HA has difficulties in rendering HD live picture, I realized this when I added the HD camera URL on the picture glance card. It saved it but when I clicked on the card to render the live view, it hung. I closed the live view but little did I realize that from then on the save button on any card I try to edit or add is constantly showing the busy icon. I have done everything one can imagine , restart HA , restart my system , delete the lovelace card, manually edit raw lovelace yaml and nothing seems to solve this. As a result I cant add or edit any lovelace card now. Otherwise HA is fully functional, system parameters (mem/CPU/disk) are also normal.
Any hints on what could I do now! I am frozen !!
My system config is : Pi 3B+, Pi OS , Docker , HA 0.116.4

IMG 133

For some reason, it was back to normal after a day! not sure what happened.