The reason you can’t find any guides on this is probably because each device works differently.
It could be very straightforward, but it could also be a pain due to different settings create different codes.
It probably says something on the page you are looking at.
Since we don’t know what page you are looking at then we can only guess since sometimes there are parts with the same name and different functionality
A transceiver is a transmitter and receiver in one unit.
You need to be able to receive to get sensor that and you need to be able to transmit to send control action.
Both the unit and the software needs to support this.
So it seems the CH1101 which is the 868 model is only a receiver, but I’ve read that I can attach a wire to the GPIO pin of my Raspberry pi and can transmit from there, so gonna try that
I’ve decided to abandon it for now. Apparently it’s not so simple to just read the signal and send it from my boiler even with a transceiver as the receiver won’t necessarily pick up the signal and my expertise doesn’t stretch very far.
Thanks for all your help guys👍