Control a light with HA (Z2M) AND touchlink

Hey there,

I was wondering if I could combine the control of a light with Z2M AND a switch paired via touchlink?
Or this technically not possible?
I have a rotary switch (from SLC) and a LED panel. Touchlink is really handy for avoiding the whole automation stuff of the rotary switch. But then I loose the ability to control the light via HA…

(Btw. I have a CC2652P coordinator and HA with Z2M – but touchlink is only available for factory resets, as I understand that…)

It is possible!! Both devices (light and switch) must be paired to the ZigBee network in HA. Then the switch can be paired to the the light via touchlink. There’s no need to re-build the whole automation stuff of a switch. Crazy!

I solved the issue and answered my question by my self but I leave this here. Maybe or hopefully it helps someone :slight_smile: