Hello, I would like to open a switch when ANY of general thermostats (I have several of them) is in a “heating” state. I was thinking about creating a group, but cannot figure proper group type to add climate entities. Also the climate entity I have seems to be in AUTO state all the time, even if a dashboard component says “heating” or “idle”. Any hint how shall I approach this problem?
If general thermostat means generic thermostat then all of them have switches linked to them.
Group the switches
Yes, generic - but I’m not sure if I understood correctly what to do, what switches shall I group? Maybe let me explain what I want to achieve:
I have several thermostat valves mounted on heating radiators around the house. The valves are independent, but require hot water flowing from gas boiler to actually do any heating. So I need to instruct a gas boiler to operate (trigger a single switch connected to the gas boiler) when any of radiator valves is in open (“heating”) state.
Open the configuration of your thermostat.
The heater
is a switch
Correct. What I still cannot figure out is not to group / control this switch from many thermostat. I need to be open as long as there is just one thermostat still heating, even if other thermostats are not heating any more.
Just add the switched to a group.
That is it.
OK thanks, will give it a try.