Control Co2 levels using sensor SCD30

Hi , I have to do a project for collegue, and I have to measure the levels of Co2 using a SCD30 and a raspberri pi 400 with home assistant os, I already tried connecting the sensor directly to the rpi4 and found out that the I needed to activate de gpio connections, unfortunately I saw that the support for these pins was removed last year in haos, I tried downloading Hacs, which doesn´t work with sensors, only with binary ones, so I came up with a final solution for this problem, I want to buy an esp, and connect the SCD30 to the esp, and use it in my home assistant os installed on the rpi4, does someone know which is the best esp to fullfill the project, and which way do I have to configure the esp on haos to make it work.

Depending on the requirements you could possibly do the majority of the logic on the ESP.

Any good quality ESP32 will do the job, or probably even an ESP8266 like NodeMCU or D1 Mini.

I’m quite fond of the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing.

I found this sensor, I guess is this one.

And can I connect use this with esphome on haos connecting it via usb to the rpi4?

Yes - that one will work. Buy an extra one as the cheaper ones can sometimes have reliability issues.

I assume you already have an SDC30 sensor.

Yes, I already welded it, and tried giving it some power, and measure it with a multimeter and works perfectly.