Control covers with IKEA Styrbar?

Hi folks,

I want to control the up and down of a roller blind with an IKEA Styrbar in a way that when I hold the left key the blind starts to go down and when I release the key it stops. The same with the right key for upwards motion.
I’m using the ZHA integration.
I tried this with @epmatt’s Awesome HA Blueprint for the IKEA Styrbar but this doesn’t work as expected. The problems are that after pressing and holding a key there is a delay of ~3 seconds before the roller blind even starts and that it doesn’t stop after releasing the button. :disappointed:

Here’s the automation in its YAML form:

alias: IKEA Styrbar Test
description: ""
  path: EPMatt/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml
    integration: ZHA
    controller_device: f086cb5c9f68a88f608f82595a7a5a8d
    helper_last_controller_event: input_text.helper_for_ikea_styrbar_switch_blueprint
      - service: cover.close_cover
        data: {}
          device_id: 3c25cae2cccf927fb1733d19797caf5a
      - service: cover.stop_cover
        data: {}
          device_id: 3c25cae2cccf927fb1733d19797caf5a
      - service: cover.open_cover
        data: {}
          device_id: 3c25cae2cccf927fb1733d19797caf5a
      - service: cover.stop_cover
        data: {}
          device_id: 3c25cae2cccf927fb1733d19797caf5a

Is this at all possible for blinds/covers? Or does it only work for lights and media volume like the documentation states?

Would it work with ControllerX in AppDeamon? But how would I configure such an “app” in the apps.yaml config file?

Any help much appreciated because I’m just starting with HA automations … :see_no_evil:
Thanks guys!