Control devices with Bluetooth keyboard and esp32

Hi there, does anyone know how I am able to use a generic bluetooth keyboard to control things such as turning a light on or off, call a script etc? I bought an esp32 and have esphome installed currently but that is as far as I have gotten. I am looking to have the esp32 pick up on my bluetooth key presses and have that added as a sensor in home assistant (if this is even possible).

The idea behind it was to have each key on the bluetooth keyboard to be mapped to a device (to be used as a remote if you will) / command center.

The only thing I came across in my searching was emulators, rather than the esp32 receiving the keyboard inputs and then triggering something in home assistant.

My home assistant currently runs as a virtual server and is in my garage (far away from my room where the bluetooth keyboard (command center) will reside.

I hope I was clear enough on what I would like to achieve and I will be forever grateful if anyone can assist me with achieving this goal.