Control Home Assistant states with a simple pres on a button with an esp8266 wifi module

Hi fellow home automators,

I am trying to create a wireless button with an esp8266 to post an HTTP payload to my home assistant page or with an MQTT post using booleans in home assistant.

I already have the correct parameters to control the states using the HTTP post function with the application on Android: Tasker.
Server:Port: 192.169../api/services/switch/turn_off?api_password=****
Content type:

Now I have been wondering around over the internet searching for a solution to integrate this post into a simple Arduino code that does the exact same thing as the Tasker application.

Are there people who have done this before or have the knowledge to do this? I would really appreciate it, and it would be handy for other people if there is a working script.

Grtz and happy automating,