Control Non Strip Low Voltage LED Lights

Hello and Happy New Year!

I purchased these individual LED lights and would like to control them from Home Assistant (guessing I would use ESP32?). I only need to control on/off and I’m successfully doing that with a TP-Link smart plug. But, it makes a clicking sound when I activate them. For this application, I need the switching to be slient. I have three I need to control at the same time. Thnak you!

The clicking sound is the relay - which is required to switch the 12V needed for these.

Unless you are comfortable build your own circuits to include a power supply and MOFSET, or can find a suitable SSR that can handle your voltage and current requirements, you may be better off sticking with those. They have the advantage of being really cheap.

Something like this has a built in PSU to provide the voltage for the ESP:

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