Control RGB tuya decklights?


I have integrated Deltaco smart decklights RGB wifi (SH-DLK01) to HA with help of Tuya (old). The most recent version of Tuya is not working for me. No devices are discovered. The local Tuya works, kind of. It discovers all devices and I can turn on/off, but nothing else. With Tuya old I can besides from turning on and off, I also are able to dim the lights. But I can’t change color or use the (Deltaco/Tuya-) scenes. In the Tuya app I can do all this, but not with Home assistent (at least not with Tuya old). Is there something I can do, to make this work? I would really want to be able to control RGB, not just the white light.
My versions are:
Home Assistant 2022.8.2
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.4

Thanks in advance!

Did you get this working? I’m thinking of buying this decklight.
Seems to be good value if it integrates localy.

No, just on/off and dim. Haven’t got around to try much. I have them still in their boxes…

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Works great with those settings :grin: