Control Sonoff Devices with eWeLink (original) firmware over LAN and/or Cloud

thanks. after some tinkerings, i got it to work

value_template: "{% set p=state_attr('switch.sonoff_1000916e75', 'consumption') %}{{ p[:now().day]|sum | round(2) if p }}"

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Sorry, maybe off topic, but I added new devices to eWeLink account but they are not visible in hassio. How can I pick the recently added devices?

Did you restart HA?

It depends your setting. Check documentation.

I did, several times

Alex, can you provide the link to the correct documentation please? Sorry.

Thank you for the answers, all works perfectly, was only missing the " reload: always ".

Im a noob, sorry!

Hi :slight_smile:

No matter what I do i cant see my sonoff basic r3 devices on HA.
I have a Mesh WiFi (deco m5) AND Oracle VM. I saw in the documentation that this can be a problem.

Also, the sonoff.json is not created in the HA folders.

Are there any workarounds to those issues?

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Hi, new to this, since now I just used z-wave devices.
Interested in buying this eWeLink energy device:
63A Ewelink Single Phase WIFI Smart Energy Meter Kwh Metering Monitoring Circuit Breaker Timer Relay for Smart Home TOMZN

I’ve seen plenty of different components Zigbee, SonOff, etc., devices that need to be Tasmota flashed. Totally lost…

For instance, I just ordered this USB dongle based on CC2531:

USB Dongle For Zigbee2mqtt Application Sniffer Bare Board Packet Protocol Analyzer Module USB Interface

Will these devices work with your component? Or do I have to choose another device? Another component? Or the zigbee2mqtt Addon will do the job? Thanks for clarification.

@barakkor VM not a problem if you using default config

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Ewelink WiFi devices works without any dongles

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Sorry for confusion, so the Energy meter should work as it?

I think energy meter should supported for this device

Thanks, will try and keep you posted.

I am a new sonoff user.
I want to use sonoff rf bridge 433 add to eWeLink app and learn the rf signal from my garage door remote to control open and close my garage door in the first floor.
The problem is I use one wifi network in the first floor, but I use another wifi network to control my HA and devices in the second floor.
Could I integrate the device to HA using different wifi network and control the devices located in the first floor?

yes, but via cloud, not local

I have the sonoff 31 plug that I have been trying to create an automation where I get an announcement on the speakers when the clothes wash cycle is completed. The plug was added to HA via ZHA and I used the Alexxx HACS integration. I’m not sure which version of the entity I should set if as (current, power, voltage) or if it has something to do with the “From” and “To” values. Can someone look at this and let me know what I’m doing wrong?

I’ve tried two different ways to get this working. One way is an automation I created and the other is using a blueprints option I found.

Thanks in advance for your help!

If you add battery to your configuration.yaml, it will also give you the battery remaining for zigbee devices

  username: ewelink username
  password: ewelink passowrd
  force_update: [temperature, power, battery]
  scan_interval: '00:05:00'  # (optional) default 5 minutes
  sensors: [temperature, humidity, power, current, voltage, rssi, battery]

I now have an entity for each sensor, that i have on my alarm page, to monitor battery levels in PIR and door sensors

sonoff batteries

You will support this device?