Control Superrollo GW60 (and more!) by enhancing remote with ESP8266

To the international users who don’t know: We germans have some common blinds called “Rolladen”. See e.g. here:


The Superrollo series is pretty affordable (~95€ for Motor and Remote) electric replacement for the which. By opening the remote and soldering 5 wires to some ESP8266 we can use it within home assistant :partying_face:

First of all, video proof:



To archive this we gonna strip down the Remote and attach some ESP8266. We will use Tasmota to send the right commands to the HCS361 chip via MQTT.

Step 1: Soldering

You need to attach 4 cables to the HCS361. Pictures can be found too in the posting of the FHEM board too: Superrollo GW60 mit Funkmodul ZB40 in FHEM einbinden

Please go easy with comments on my soldering skills. I know they are bad, and this was just some rapid prototyping :wink:

As i had no thin enough cable i simply soldered breadboard cables onto the chip. I would clearly not recommend that, but as I already ordered more shutter motors (each one comes with one remote) I was reaching for success, not beauty.

Soldering is pretty easy, just attach 4 cables to the S0 - S3 pin of the HCS362 Encoder. More info in the datasheet:
Then attach some additional GND cable between ESP8266 and the remote. I used some battery holder points.

In total it looked like this:

Step 2: Programming the ESP8266 with Tasmota

Getting tasmota on the ESP8266 can be easily archived via Tasmotizer (GitHub - tasmota/tasmotizer: ESP... The time has come to... Tasmotize!).

After you can access the Web interface you need to configure the outputs.

I choose to follow the posting and reverse enumerate my pins.
(Looking at the pictures again there might be some wrong wiring when i took them).

But basically I did:

S0 - D1
S1 - D2
S3 - D5
S4 - D6

This is my device config:

This looks like some light bulb when looking at the web interface. This doesn’t matter at all.

Step 3: Home Assistant config

We now can reach the ESP8266 and its connected Superrollo Remote via MQTT.

This is the command table, thx again to the FHEM community. I enhanced it with the related tasmota terminal command for easier testing:

Bit       3 2 1 0

all up    0 0 0 1  Backlog Color 000000FF; Color 00000000; 
all down  0 0 1 0  Backlog Color 0000FF00; Color 00000000; 
all stop  0 0 1 1  Backlog Color 0000FFFF; Color 00000000; 

1 up   	  0 1 0 1  Backlog Color 00FF00FF; Color 00000000; 
1 down 	  0 1 1 0  Backlog Color 00FFFF00; Color 00000000; 
1 stop    0 1 1 1  Backlog Color 00FFFFFF; Color 00000000; 

2 up   	  1 0 0 1  Backlog Color FF0000FF; Color 00000000; 
2 down 	  1 0 1 0  Backlog Color FF00FF00; Color 00000000; 
2 stop 	  1 0 1 1  Backlog Color FF00FFFF; Color 00000000; 

3 up   	  1 1 0 1  Backlog Color FFFF00FF; Color 00000000; 
3 down 	  1 1 1 0  Backlog Color FFFFFF00; Color 00000000; 
3 stop 	  1 1 1 1  Backlog Color FFFFFFFF; Color 00000000; 

As Tasmota can be controlled via MQTT, we set the correct server and also enabled the home assistant auto-discovery option by setting SetOption19 1 in the console.

To have the best expirence we use the MQTT Cover (MQTT Cover - Home Assistant) as configuration. Mine looks like this:

  - &superrollo_template
    platform: mqtt
    name: Superrollo 1-3
    unique_id: a324823e-786a-407d-a7a8-60729cf89650
    payload_open: Color 000000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 0000FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 0000FFFF; Color 00000000;
    command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_55D0FD/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/tasmota_55D0FD/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  - name: Superrollo 1
    unique_id: 8645186d-c217-4d01-8772-886e272ff525
    payload_open: Color 00FF00FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 00FFFF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 00FFFFFF; Color 00000000;
    <<: *superrollo_template

  - name: Superrollo 2
    unique_id: 260319c8-619f-4710-b971-f93510039f12
    payload_open: Color FF0000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color FF00FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color FF00FFFF; Color 00000000;
    <<: *superrollo_template

  - name: Superrollo 3
    unique_id: 70562e1a-bae6-43db-8971-ae0e65727377
    payload_open: Color FFFF00FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color FFFFFF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color FFFFFFFF; Color 00000000;
    <<: *superrollo_template

Note: You might want to use other ids and set the right command topic for your ESP. The & and <<: stuff is called YAML Anchors end helps to reduce redundant config stuff.

Step 4: Profit


I hope this will help others to set this up. As I did this a few days ago I hope everything is correct.
I do not take any guarantee :wink:



Wow! Thank you very much! That worked also for me!
It was a bit difficult to get the soldering cause there is really not so much space (how did you manage to solder the pins???) but it was worth it!

Do you also get the Warnings in the Log from homeassistant about the duplicate name, payload usw?

yeah, well, my soldering is quite ugly :smiley: I might throw it in some box and just never look at it again :wink:

Just checked, yes. It seems like YAML anchors (the * and & stuff to avoid code duplication) lead to those wrong positive duplicates warnings. Seems to be some open issue for years… see Yaml anchors/aliases trigger false positive duplicate key warning · Issue #18332 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

If you wan’t to get rid of it, simply remove the anchors and go with duplicates. Should look like this (not tested):

  - name: Superrollo 1-3
    unique_id: a324823e-786a-407d-a7a8-60729cf89650
    payload_open: Color 000000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 0000FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 0000FFFF; Color 00000000;
    platform: mqtt
    command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_55D0FD/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/tasmota_55D0FD/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  - name: Superrollo 1
    unique_id: 8645186d-c217-4d01-8772-886e272ff525
    payload_open: Color 00FF00FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 00FFFF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 00FFFFFF; Color 00000000;
    platform: mqtt
    command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_55D0FD/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/tasmota_55D0FD/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  - name: Superrollo 2
    unique_id: 260319c8-619f-4710-b971-f93510039f12
    payload_open: Color FF0000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color FF00FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color FF00FFFF; Color 00000000;
    platform: mqtt
    command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_55D0FD/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/tasmota_55D0FD/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  - name: Superrollo 3
    unique_id: 70562e1a-bae6-43db-8971-ae0e65727377
    payload_open: Color FFFF00FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color FFFFFF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color FFFFFFFF; Color 00000000;
    platform: mqtt
    command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_55D0FD/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/tasmota_55D0FD/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

Yeah, I did the duplicates like this:

  - platform: mqtt
    device_class: shutter
    name: Wohnzimmer Rolladen
    payload_open: Color 000000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 0000FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 0000FFFF; Color 00000000;
    command_topic: cmnd/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline    
  - platform: mqtt
    device_class: shutter
    name: Wohnzimmer Rolladen Rechts
    payload_open: Color 00FF00FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color 00FFFF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color 00FFFFFF; Color 00000000;
    command_topic: cmnd/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
  - platform: mqtt
    device_class: shutter
    name: Wohnzimmer Rolladen Links
    payload_open: Color FF0000FF; Color 00000000;
    payload_close: Color FF00FF00; Color 00000000;
    payload_stop: Color FF00FFFF; Color 00000000;
    command_topic: cmnd/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/Backlog
    availability_topic: tele/Wohnzimmer_rolladen/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

Better some more lines as the warnings till the issue is fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you again! I really admired your tutorial because I wanted to use tasmota and that would be a new world for me with the Backlog commands, without your help!

Keep up sharing!

1 Like

Very nice work indeed!

I’m kind of newbie, can the soldered pins used with another platform?
I was thinking a Tuya switch/relay.

Thanks in advance!

Hey there
I was wondering if this guid is also possible with the ZB40?
Tanks for the gerat work.

Honestly, I have no idea. Did not look further into that.

Hey, is it possible to set a specific position for the shutters using this? Or can you only open, close, and stop them?

I am just on this solution. But I don’t understand where I have to put this command table.

Is it in home assistant or somewhere else?
Where exactly?

Would be great to get an answer here.

Thx a alot.

unfortunately you can’t set a specific position natively.

It should be possible to write some guess-calculation based on the duration of the open/close command (when automatically closing the covers on sunset and open them on sunrise you have some correct fix positions twice a day, so it should work pretty good in theory), but I haven’t wrapped my head around it yet :slight_smile:

I’ve found your thread here Gurtwickler Superrollo GW60 einbinden - Allgemein - simon42 Community by accident, but I don’t have an account over there :slight_smile:

you can basically ignore that “command table” part - I guess it was a copy/paste from a fhem config.
The color codes used are identical to those in the mqtt cover yaml snippets below.

So when setting a “color” in tasmota, those colors are translated to cover control commands. It works really nice here (I’d prefer to switch to esphome though, as those GW60 esps are the only ones left with tasmota here, but I don’t dare to touch them ;))

just found


have fun

Hi there,

I am wondering if we can’t do it directly with an esp on the control board of the device itself.
So I have one open now and going to figure that out.
I think I will make a seperate post about it.

I will try to connect it to home assistant with esphome.

Has any of you done this already?

If I remember correctly, someone in the FHEM community did/tried it, but I can’t find the link right now.

But I would be highly interested in it!

Just figured out the pinout on the back where the remote module would connect.
It seems that they use a communication protocol over the pins to relay the open/stop/close commands.

Left to right:
| Ground | 0V? | 5V | 5V || 0V? | Sun (2.6v) | Ground | 24v (vcc) |

so it seems that I need to connect to the button press to make it “happen”

keeping a document open and making pictures.
When I am done for today I will make a new post and link it here.
