Control TiVo box over telnet

Hello mate

I was wondering how do you connect your Tivo Box to the internet is it via ethernet cable? and what app do you use to check its ip address?

I am new to setting it up so trying to follow your guide to get it up and running.


You should be able to find the ip of connected devices in your router dashboard. A quick google search shows fing network tools app for android can also give you the info you need.

And of course if you can wire your tivo thru ethernet it would be better than wifi.

how did you connect your virgin tivo box to wifi? I do not have that option surprisingly :neutral_face:

Oh sorry, I don’t actually have one myself. I just assumed it had the option.

What box do you have mate? It’s gotta have Internet access, surely?

I use ethernet and my virgin man set it all up, I think my box does have WiFi but ethernet is obviously preferred.

If it doesn’t have Internet access, check my other project out

I have a tivo box platform: 8620, hardware version: 9.1 software version: 20.5.7.RC24-VMC-2-C00.

In the settings it says "connect to the virgin media service now” and gives me some ip addresses under “cable modem connection details” and “ethernet connection details” I havent connected it via ethernet yet.

Do I have to connect it via ethernet ? Also how did you set up/established the telnet session?

Yes plug the ethernet in.

Download a network scanner on your phone and connect to your network. Scan the network to see what the ip is.

To telnet, simply replace the ip with yours in the command switch example I have used above

Perfect! will try it when I get home. Thanks.

Cool man let me kno how you get on!

Got it working?

No mate!

I connected my tivo box (cisco ct8620) via ethernet but it doesnt connect to the Internet surprisingly. I rebooted it and even rebooted my router but to no joy :frowning:

Could I ask you if you have got an Amazon dot and if you have set up custom skills?

Also who is your ISP? as mine is Virgin Media and I cannot forward internal ports to external ports.

Virgin is my isp… No custom skill either, just the emulated hue component fur hone assistant.

So I have finally managed to connect my tivo box to my network and I have run the commands from terminal on my mac using the ip address of my tivo box but it doesnt seem to like it. Here is what I did:

IRCODE STANDBY | telnet 31339

and it spits out:

Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Any idea on this? Did you have similar issues to mine?

Right so…

From command line on my mac if I say "telnet 31339” It logs me into the session and then if I say “SETCH 144” it changes the channel to 144 but it doesnt like: echo “SETCH 144| telnet 31339”

Try adding as a switch… I dud come across that error too. Think it should work in a switch.

Try that and let me know how you get on.
. You’re very close rho!

I have gone straight to HA added the following in my configuraton.yaml:

platform: command_line
      command_on: 'echo IRCODE STANDBY | telnet 31339'
      command_off: 'echo IRCODE STANDBY | telnet 31339'
      friendly_name: Virgin On

but get errors:

    17-03-18 16:05:22 ERROR (Thread-1) [homeassistant.util.yaml] while parsing a block collection
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 61, column 3
expected <block end>, but found '?'
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 182, column 3
17-03-18 16:05:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block collection
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 61, column 3
expected <block end>, but found '?'
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 182, column 3

Any idea where am I going wrong?


Yamls well temperamental.
Looks like you need an extra space on the command on.

You’ve prob got a space somewhere…

Whsts happening on these lines?
182 - assume this is the switch?

I have set my MQTTs as a switch and therefore I have to put the command line switch as:

  - platform: command_line
    command_on: 'echo IRCODE STANDBY | telnet 31339'
    command_off: 'echo IRCODE STANDBY | telnet 31339'
    friendly_name: Virgin On

but now I get an error saying:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [switch.command_line]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['switches’]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at