Control Yamaha 2060 receiver directly in script rather than using Logitech Harmony

I have a Logitech Harmony set up so that I can have a it linked to HA and turn on my TV, Yamaha 2060 receiver, changed the mode - say the XBOX hdmi slot - and then change the input on the AV receiver. I’m not sure how long Logitech will still support Harmony so I want to do this via a script in HA. I can’t find the YAmaha as a device but I can’t seem to find a way of changing the inputs so it changes everything to the Play X-box setting ie change the input etc on the Yamaha AV receiver. Can this be done ?

Have you checked to see if the Yamaha network receiver integration supports it?

According to the datasheet it supports MusicCast.

I use a mixture of both the Network Receiver and MusicCast integrations for my RX-V685.

Network integration allows renaming and hiding of sources, MusicCast does not.

MusicCast has a lot more controls.

Both have media players you can control in automations and scripts.

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Thanks - yes I have musiccast linked but can’t seem to find a way to change sources - and HDMI slots - in script etc. Just can’t seem to figure out how to do it

  - service: media_player.select_source
      entity_id: media_player.yamaha_2060
      source: HDMI1
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