Control your Jura coffee machine

I know I’m very late in responding to your question, but yes I have the Jura Ena Micro 90 working, with all buttons, settings control, temperature states, valve positions, and whatnot. Still very much a work in progress, but I’ll post a github page in a month or so detailing the process.

Are there specific codes that you want to know before I put the time into a readme?

Does any one know what are the UART commends to brew particular type of coffee in Jura E8?
All commands from FA:04 to FA:09 are pressing one of the six screen control buttons, but I couldn’t find exact command eg. to brew Cappuccino…
Remote button pressing is nice but you need to see the screen to be able to know which coffee are you selecting, and then automation itself doesn’t make sense.

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For me the same i am looking for right command’s for the Jura E8 i am using a ESP32 expressive (wifi dongle jura)
FA keys command seems to trigger right lower button always.

** update it work with E8 also, didn’t read well. Needed to adjust FA:XX codes with**

Hi, but did you find the Fx:xx commands that trigger directly certain coffee eg. espresso, without emulating button press and switching between pages ?
Thing is, that if I want to tell Siri to make me espresso, I need to know which page is currently active on the coffee machine display.

Would you like to share the code? I also have a Jura micro 90 and would like to control and read it via home assistant.

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Yes, it’s nearly ready.

Some refactoring and reorganiation is necessary before uploading to github. Send me a DM if you’d like to chat. To use my code as-is, you’ll need: some ESP32 board, a level shifter, 4x dupont male pins to connect to the debug port. For our machine, the debug port is accessible by lifting the cover around the buttons and display, it’s on the upper left side.

If your comfortable with all that, it’s relatively straightforward. Unfortunately, there’s too much data for ESPHome, so I’ve gone with arduino + mqtt.

EDIT: project Github here. HA forum thread here.

That’s great to hear. The hardware is ready and I am familiar to open the Jura to access the com port. I started overhauling these machines 3 years ago. I understand and can modify the code, but I find it difficult to program something from scratch. I am not able to send you a DM right now, I think I am to new on this forum.

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I’ve sent you a PM, but for the room the current working version of the ENA90 bridge has just now been uploaded to my github.

I need to refactor quite a bit, but this works - and it works really well. Continuing and extending the reverse engineering working of others on other machines was a great experience.

Once the readme is written and the codebase is properly restructured, I’ll start a new thread documenting the process.

EDIT: project Github here. HA forum thread here.

Hey Bernd,
could you please give me a short tutorial how you archived accessing the Jura E8 and get the info + how to control it? Thanks you :wink:

Greetings everyone,

I’ve followed the whole thread and got fascinated by the results some people achieved so I too decided to try my luck.
I’m using a Jura C5, only one person I saw mentioning it, but he didn’t have any success.

My experience was the following: I connected my ESP8266 to the 4 pins, the board is running the arduino script from github GitHub - hn/jura-coffee-machine: ESP8266 HTTP service port gateway, technical data (reverse engineered) and PCB photos of the Jura Impressa E65 coffee machine in order to write and read commands.

Most of the documented commands from this thread work and react with “ok” or if reading from EEPROM with the coresponding byte-sequence.
The only commands I was interested in (as most here I guess) are the buttons on the machine, aka. the FA:… commands. I tried all of the FA: commands but didn’t get any reaction or response, only FA:09 responds with “ok” but doesn’t actually do anything.

I’m guessing this machine doesn’t use the FA: commands for the buttons but some other ones?..
Any ideas how to figure out the commands would be helpful! (the FN commands work but I’m not very confident in trying them all out, maybe thats where the buttons are stored, is this possible?)

Hi braaak

Can you make a step by step guide how you did it?
I have no idea where to start.
My Jura machine works via Home Assistant over the http commands, but i would like to have the sensors like you.
It would be really great from you!

best regards from a swiss newbie!


For a project I would like to control the Jura X8 to be able to make coffee through the code and get a notification if any action is needed. I can use the WI-FI dongle.

Did anyone manage this?
Or know what is needed to achieve this?


Not necessarily integration, but I did get my wife’s new Jura Z10 setup with a float valve to auto fill the tank. I didn’t want to hack up the OG tank lid so I modelled and 3D printed a replacement. It needs some more fine tuning and I’ll be posting it to Printables.


Here it is:

Jura Z10 AutoFill Lid

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Hey guys, has anyone successfully integrated the Jura Z10 with this approach?

I know the WiFi dongle has not.

Basically, there’s app level encryption happening that hasn’t been cracked.

Supposedly the BT dongle can be used, but the setup seems pretty convoluted. I have the BT dongle and a spare WiFi dongle and planned to start poking when I get a chance. I’m not programmer so I’d put it at like a 1% chance I’d make any progress on the WiFi side.

Yes a lot of the work that’s been done in this thread is beyond my expertise…

TBH I would happily pay someone a decent amount if they could just post me a flashed dongle or whatever that would integrate with Home Assistant!

I’ve spun up a new thread to document digging into the Z10:

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Just because there’s more traffic here. I was able to use a Shelly to get on/off control of the Z10 in HA. Details are here.

Did you find this Github project? GitHub - COM8/esp32-jura: ESP32 powered Jura coffee maker.
You can find some more commands in the FN range in the documentation.
And the sequences needed to brewing a coffee.
I also have a c5 and maybe this will get it to work for us.

I still have to fix the machine itself so I cannot test yet. But maybe this can already help you?

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