Hi all, been away for a long time and now setting up a hass.io install on a new NUC. So far so good, working as it should in Docker. Love it so far! But, I have a want that I’m not sure how to fix at the current stage. I have a Harmony Elite with a hub, and want to be able to control some z-wave lights I have. How should I go through this? I take it I need to get the hub into HA first? Seems it no longer is discoverable automatically? Have enabled XMPP.
Any ideas / tips on where to start this is greatly appreciated. The z-wave to control is a Fibaro Dimmer 2 connected to the downlights above my TV…
Install the hue emulator in HA, then discover the emulated hue in the Harmony app. Hue emulator will expose everything including your switches / dimmers. You can then either assign the home control buttons and/or make it an item on the touch screen.
@michael_grossman and @devastator - I tried setting it up now, however I’m not sure if it’s done correctly as I also have a Hue Bridge in my system. I added the following to configuration.yaml:
Sorry, nevermind. You can’t have a Hue Bridge and an emulated one running at the same time… Fixed it by deleting the physical bridge and adding the emulated one instead. You have access to all of the lights in emulated so no need for the bridge itself to be paired anyway thanks for the help and sorry for the confusion.