Hi, we are looking to be able to add a bit more finite control of our Tesla Powerwall choosing when it charges from the grid due to being on a variable tarrif. What I’m after is to be able to either “force” the battery to start charging or set it for a specific time when our tarrif looks good. While this is do-able from the Powerwall app it’s a bit of a pain with our tarrif and when most other things of ours are on HA already.
This doesn’t seem to be workable from the official Tesla integration but are there any others out there that will do this job? Thanks in advance
If you find out how i would love to hear about it. We had a cloudy day today and i got a phone call right when my reminder to turn on grid charge was set for.
I missed the reminder and only rembered 3 hours later. I only have a 6 hour window during the day when my power tarrif is super cheap so i only managed to get to 80% before i had to switch it off. Automating the task would make things so much better.
Hi, not sure if you have this solved, but was one of my first setups with my automations.
I am querying my supplier for its current rate, and have one automation for when it falls below a set rate to set number.powerwall_backup_reserve to 100, and another to set it back to xx% when the rate rises.