Controll led bar (ProDvx APPC-10SLBe)

Hello, i have ProDvx APPC-10SLBe and i wanna control led bar with home assistant. Maybe u have ideas how easiest way i can do it ? :smiley:

I have documentation from ProDvx support.
1. APPC-10SLBe LED Ring on Android11 platform Porting Guide
2. SDK

If anyone can do it, but don’t have time, i can pay for that :stuck_out_tongue:

The easiest way in home assistant to do this in automations is by the following:

service: notify.mobile_app_DEVICE_ID
  message: command_broadcast_intent
    intent_package_name: com.serialport.leddemo
    intent_extras: color:2130771712
    intent_action: action.CHANGE_LED_COLOR