Controll zigbee via mqtt?

Hey guys :wave:

In my home setup I am running loads of zigbee, simple because I like the protocol and speed.

I am thinking to add a led strip under my tv cabinet (3.5 / 4 meters in total) which needs to be individually addressable, but I want it to bee zigbee. I know it isn’t around, yet. But is there a way to control it over zigbee?

I want it to be a part of my other zigbee rgb lights and be all cool with tv image and such. But one giant 4 meters of light in one color is just sad.

Zigbee2mqtt or any other setup?

Currently I’m using conbee2 controller with deconz . Hue essentials for the light sync with audio/video.


I haven’t seen any individually asdressable ZigBee led controller yet, looked around a bit with no luck. I have read somewhere that data size needed to carry these information continuously over zigbee limit. Do not remember where it was.

Any other solution you van think of?

Existing wifi based solutions as wled? Have you checked on them?

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Have built a few of those in the past, with wemos and various other boards like regular esp8266. Do like them, actually have one running for my 3d printer. I wanted something zigbee though. But unfortunately companies havent really cared to implement properly.
Thanks for your ideas

But do you update running led sections over home assistant using zigbee or just sending ‘scene/program code’ over zigbee and esp takes care of managing individual sections of led?

I don’t understand your question. I dont have any running with zigbee. Addressable ledstrips in my home are the ones with wifi controllers

ah, got it, I thought you built some of those running with zigbee. clear :slight_smile:

I wish my man, I wish

On the other hand, given that you have experience with esp, you can try;

  • use esp as brain of led driver
  • use zigbee to communicate between HA and ESP
  • store some pre programmed programs inside esp
  • set program name over zigbee
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Could work, but still doesn’t use the light synchronize like this, but the whole room: Sync (Entertainment) on your phone or Android TV - Scenes, Effects, Entertainment - Hue Essentials Community

For future reference the solution:

It allows for a virtual bridge which houses wifi enabled devices