I am having a Fujitsu 9.2kw Split System installed shortly and just want to know if the IR remotes all over ebay like the one linked below will be able to control this, if not, what will?
I am having a Fujitsu 9.2kw Split System installed shortly and just want to know if the IR remotes all over ebay like the one linked below will be able to control this, if not, what will?
What what I’ve seen, the Broadlink RM family seems to be the most commonly used ones. Commonly used generally means easier to get forum support. I have an RM Pro controlling IR in one room, and a Harmony Hub controlling IR in the lounge, including a Mitsubishi split system.
What @michaelblight said. Don’t get a generic remote that is not supported by HomeAssistant, you’ll have a hard time getting it to work.
Can you get it working with HA? Yes.
Will it be easy? No.
Get a Broadlink RM and save yourself the headache. It supports anything you throw at it, including RF controlled AC, RF lights and other stuff. Widely supported and well tested.
Even Harmony falls behind in terms of flexibility and compatibility of devices at a piece of it’s price.
What Harmony brings to the table is a more mature software that make up for the scenes and keeping track of the status of devices, aside from that it has a lot of predefined remotes so you don’t have to learn your existing remotes. And you have a physical remote that you can use (this is probably the biggest perk).
Thank you for the info.
I will try a Broadlink RM Mini3
Check on the forums first which model is better. Get the RM Pro line which has RF.
Some have issues and some have additional features like temperature sensors. There’s a lot of variants, make sure you known which one you want and need.