Controlling coco/kaku 433MHz from within Home Assistant

Hi all,

I’m starting out with Home Assistant and I’m trying to control my 433MHz Klik-aan-Klik-uit (Click on click off) wall switches with HA. I’ve followed Ben’s video (, but I’m having trouble in getting the right codes.

I’ve bought the receiver and transmitter kit Ben uses. When I connect the receiver (with header wire cut to 173mm as antenna) and run the rpi-rf_receive script to learn the codes, most of the time I get no response after pressing a button, but occasionally, I see lines with rfrx codes of one digit and a pulselength of 1234, for example.

I’m using a KaKu APA3-1500R set. Does anyone have a clue how to get this working?

Thanks in advance for your answers!


i have the same problems!
i have an old remote and that works, but new remote and ics1000 doesnt work for me!
Did you already find solution for this?

This component seems based on RCswitch library, not compatible with KAKU protocol.

If you want to control KAKU switch you should use newremoteswitch library or RFLink

Ok so the new switches doesnt work?
How does newremoteswitch library works and where can i find that?
Then i can use the switches?

I’m interesten as well. Hot many kaki devices inclusief ics1000.
If these is any hope to connect, i like to know how.
A have Raspberies zero’s and 3’s available to connect.

Here is some infos