I’m starting out with Home Assistant and I’m trying to control my 433MHz Klik-aan-Klik-uit (Click on click off) wall switches with HA. I’ve followed Ben’s video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UUazFbK-Hg), but I’m having trouble in getting the right codes.
I’ve bought the receiver and transmitter kit Ben uses. When I connect the receiver (with header wire cut to 173mm as antenna) and run the rpi-rf_receive script to learn the codes, most of the time I get no response after pressing a button, but occasionally, I see lines with rfrx codes of one digit and a pulselength of 1234, for example.
I’m using a KaKu APA3-1500R set. Does anyone have a clue how to get this working?
I’m interesten as well. Hot many kaki devices inclusief ics1000.
If these is any hope to connect, i like to know how.
A have Raspberies zero’s and 3’s available to connect.