Controlling garage door with shelly 2.5

Thought someone might like to know how to control a garage door with a shelly 2.5.

Using this this tutorial as a starting point I leveraged a shelly 2.5, two reed switches and a 24 volt relay to control my garage door. My garage door does not have a simple push button so I soldered into a remote to simulate a button press as shown in the attached image.

Still working on the HA UI piece but I thought someone might have the same questions I did before I figured this out.

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i followed this post for a while. any luck yet on the script in hass and are you willing to share it here?
have to option with a shelly1 running now but with a second sensor-option om my motor would like to switch to the shelly2.5 option aswell to monitor the closed aswell as open state.

any help is welcome!

Yes, it works well. I use two reed switches to determine if the door is open or closed. Hacked a remote, soldered two wires, to simulate a button press. Used this until I found MyQ garage hub (, $30 dollars and works with HA without having to pay Chamerlain’s integration fee. Easier to share the MyQ with another person and Amazon delivers my packages in my garage.

My Shelly 2.5 is still attached and used as a backup.

So, are you back to your Shelly now that Chamberlain no longer works with HA? I’m trying your setup with Shelly since Chamberlain is blocking HA users now.