Controlling led strip with esp32 c3 using transistor and esphome

I am using esp32 c3 mini with esphome to controll 12v led strip. I use buck converor to step down voltage to 3.3v and transistor to dim the led strip. I also use touch sensor to power on and off the light. The problem is when I connect all the pieces together. Esp doesn’t want to connect to wifi. When i connect 3.3v directly without other parts it connects normally. Touch is working a i can switch the light on/off. I attached schematic with part numbers below. Can anybody please suggest what I am doing wrong?

Have you a pinout of the board you are using? What is RST/PWM actually connected to?

I am using pin 4 also named rst from the other side for pwm to controll transistor.

That seems ok as it doesn’t seem to be a strapping pin

Your post is confusing…

The esp32 connects to wifi if only powered with 3.3v

Esp32 doesnt connect to wifi when all components hooked up.

Then you say

So it does work? Or it doesnt?

If it doesnt work with all the components hooked up then try them one at a time on the same gpios each one is using now

If each works individually then youve got a power problem most likely. You’re probably causing your 3.3v output to sag below 3.3v and esp32’s dont like unstable power supplies