Controlling Viessmann Vitodens Gas Heater Boilers locally (new models 100-W, 200-W, ... after 2018)


I have configured esp32-s3.
My config is as follows:

  device_name: viessmann
  device_description: "Viessmann Optolink"
  update_interval_global: 60s
  update_interval_short: 15s
  update_interval_long: 600s

  name: '${device_name}'
  friendly_name: Viessmann
    name: esphome.viessmann
    version: "1.0"

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: arduino
  flash_size: 16MB

# Enable logging
  hardware_uart: UART0
  baud_rate: 0
  level: debug

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "xxx"

  - platform: esphome
    password: "xxx"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Viessmann Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "xxx"


  package_import_url: github://esphome/firmware/esphome-web/esp32s3.yaml@main
  import_full_config: true

# Sets up Bluetooth LE (Only on ESP32) to allow the user
# to provision wifi credentials to the device.
  authorizer: none

# To have a "next url" for improv serial

    interval: 1100ms
    window: 1100ms
    active: true

  active: true

  - source: github://pr#4453
    components: [ optolink ]

  protocol: KW
#  device_info: Device Info
#  state: Component state
  rx_pin: 44
  tx_pin: 43

  - platform: restart
    name: "Restart"

  - platform: version
    hide_timestamp: true
    name: "ESPHome Version"

  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "IP Address"
      icon: mdi:wifi
      name: "Connected SSID"
      icon: mdi:wifi-strength-2

  - platform: optolink
    type: DEVICE_INFO
    name: Device Info
    update_interval: 969s
  - platform: optolink
    type: STATE_INFO
    name: Component state
    update_interval: 459s
  - platform: optolink
    name: Current Operating Mode A1
    address: 0x2500
    bytes: 2
    update_interval: 128s
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "2 -> off"           # when in standby or dhw modes
        - "258 -> reduced"     # when in reduced (night) or forcedReduced modes or in Eco preset
        - "514 -> comfort"     # when in day heating or in Comfort preset
        - "770 -> normal"      # when in forcedNormal type
  - platform: optolink
    name: Current Operating Mode M2
    address: 0x3500
    bytes: 2
    update_interval: 130s
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "2 -> off"
        - "258 -> reduced"
        - "514 -> comfort"
        - "770 -> normal"

  # - platform: optolink
  #   name: Error history 1
  #   address: 0x7590
  #   bytes: 9
  #   type: RAW
 # above disabled for last two errors configured with mapping to error description
 # errors : 0:7507, 1:7510, 2:7519, 3:7522, 4:752B, 5:7534, 6:753D, 7:7546, 8:754F, 9:7558
  - platform: optolink
    name: Error code 1
    address: 0x7507
    bytes: 1
    update_interval: 591s
    icon: mdi:note-text-outline
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "0 -> regular operation"
        - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
        - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
        - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
        - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
        - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
  - platform: optolink
    name: Error code 2
    address: 0x7510
    bytes: 1
    update_interval: 589s
    icon: mdi:note-text-outline
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "0 -> regular operation"
        - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
        - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
        - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
        - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
        - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
#  - platform: optolink
#    name: Error code 3
#    address: 0x7519
#    bytes: 1
#    update_interval: 587s
#    icon: mdi:note-text-outline
#    filters:
#      - map:
#        - "0 -> regular operation"
#        - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
#        - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
#        - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
#        - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
#        - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
  - platform: optolink
    name: Burner
    address: 0x55D3
    update_interval: 52s
    device_class: heat
  - platform: optolink
    name: DHW Charging
    address: 0x650A
    update_interval: 50s
    device_class: heat

#  - platform: optolink
#    name: Storage Charging Pump
#    address: 0x6513
#    update_interval: 52s
#    device_class: power
  - platform: optolink
    name: Circulation Pump
    address: 0x6515
    update_interval: 54s
    device_class: power

  - platform: optolink
    name: Heating circuit pump A1M1
    address: 0x2906
    update_interval: 56s
    device_class: power

  - platform: optolink
    name: Heating circuit pump M2
    address: 0x3906
    update_interval: 64s
    device_class: power

  - platform: optolink
    name: Frost protection
    address: 0x27A4
    update_interval: 593s
    device_class: cold

#  - platform: optolink
#    name: Time limit party and operating mode switching
#    address: 0x27F2
#    bytes: 1
#    min_value: 0
#    max_value: 100
#    step: 1
#    type: box
#    update_interval: 595s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Room Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x2306
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 18
    max_value: 27
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 315s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Reduced Room Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x2307
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 10
    max_value: 20
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 597s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x2308
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 18
    max_value: 27
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 599s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Floor Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x3306
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 18
    max_value: 27
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 280s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Reduced Floor Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x3307
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 10
    max_value: 20
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 591s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party Floor Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x3308
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 18
    max_value: 27
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 593s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Heating curve level
    address: 0x27D4
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 10
    step: 1
    mode: box
    update_interval: 601s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Heating curve slope
    address: 0x27D3
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 3
    step: 0.1
    mode: box
    div_ratio: 10
    update_interval: 603s
  - platform: optolink
    name: Floor Heating curve level
    address: 0x37D4
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 10
    step: 1
    mode: box
    update_interval: ${update_interval_long}

  - platform: optolink
    name: Floor Heating curve slope
    address: 0x37D3
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 3
    step: 0.1
    mode: box
    div_ratio: 10
    update_interval: 607s

  - platform: optolink
    name: DHW Temperature Setpoint
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    address: 0x6300
    bytes: 1
    min_value: 30
    max_value: 60
    step: 1
    icon: "mdi:water-boiler"
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 605s

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal"
    id: '${device_name}_wifi_signal'
    update_interval: ${update_interval_global}

  - platform: optolink
    type: QUEUE_SIZE
    name: Optolink Queue Size
    icon: mdi:queue-first-in-last-out
    entity_category: diagnostic
    update_interval: 5s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Target flow temperature A1M1
    address: 0x2544
    bytes: 2
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    div_ratio: 10
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: 330s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Target flow temperature M2
    address: 0x3544
    bytes: 2
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    div_ratio: 10
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: 332s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

# Enabled for test
  - platform: optolink
    name: Return temperature
    address: 0x0816
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 62s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Flow temperature M2
    address: 0x3900
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 48s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

# Enabled for test
  - platform: optolink
    name: Exhaust temperature
    address: 0x0808
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 68s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Storage temperature
    address: 0x0812
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 175s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Outside Temperature
    address: 0x0800
    #address: 0x5527
    bytes: 2
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    div_ratio: 10
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: 611s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Boiler Temperature
    address: 0x0802
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 10
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 28s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Room temperature
    address: 0x0896
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    accuracy_decimals: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    update_interval: 607s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Operating Hours
    address: 0x08A7
    bytes: 4
    device_class: duration
    unit_of_measurement: h
    state_class: total_increasing
    icon: mdi:counter
    update_interval: 909s
      - lambda: return x / 3600;
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Burner Starts
    address: 0x088A
    bytes: 4
    update_interval: 911s
    state_class: total_increasing
    icon: mdi:counter
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Burner Performance
    address: 0xA38F
    bytes: 1
      multiply: 0.5
    update_interval: ${update_interval_short}
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    state_class: measurement
    icon: mdi:percent
    force_update: true

  - platform: optolink
    name: Operation mode
    address: 0x2323
    bytes: 1
      - "0 -> standby"
      - "1 -> dhw"
      - "2 -> dhwAndHeating"
      - "3 -> forcedReduced"
      - "4 -> forcedNormal"
    update_interval: 68s
  - platform: optolink
    name: Operation mode M2
    address: 0x3323
    bytes: 1
      - "0 -> standby"
      - "1 -> dhw"
      - "2 -> dhwAndHeating"
      - "3 -> forcedReduced"
      - "4 -> forcedNormal"
    update_interval: 123s

  - platform: template
    name: "Preset"
    id: preset
    update_interval: 10s
      - "off"
      - "eco"
      - "comfort"
      - lambda: |-
          if (x == "off") {
          } else if (x == "eco"){
          } else if (x == "comfort"){
    lambda: !lambda |-
      if (not(id(economy_mode).state) and not(id(party_mode).state)) {
        return (std::string) "off";
      } else if (id(economy_mode).state) {
          return (std::string) "eco";
      } else if (id(party_mode).state) {
          return (std::string) "comfort";
      } else {
        return (std::string) "off";
  - platform: template
    name: "Preset M2"
    id: preset_m2
    update_interval: 10s
      - "off"
      - "eco"
      - "comfort"
      - lambda: |-
          if (x == "off") {
          } else if (x == "eco"){
          } else if (x == "comfort"){
    lambda: !lambda |-
      if (not(id(economy_mode_m2).state) and not(id(party_mode_m2).state)) {
        return (std::string) "off";
      } else if (id(economy_mode_m2).state) {
          return (std::string) "eco";
      } else if (id(party_mode_m2).state) {
          return (std::string) "comfort";
      } else {
        return (std::string) "off";
  - platform: optolink
    name: Economy mode
    id: economy_mode
    address: 0x2302
    icon: mdi:sprout-outline
    update_interval: 123s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party mode
    id: party_mode
    address: 0x2303
    icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
    update_interval: 72s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Economy mode M2
    id: economy_mode_m2
    address: 0x3302
    icon: mdi:sprout-outline
    update_interval: 303s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party mode M2
    id: party_mode_m2
    address: 0x3303
    icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
    update_interval: 307s

I’m not so sure about leaving BLE enabled but I don’t think it will make any harm?
Portal works as well:

Other thing is numbering of rx, tx pins. As per:

I set:

  rx_pin: 44
  tx_pin: 43

Is it correct?

But main question is: does optolink software contain any presets and may change settings of viessmann heater upon connecting this device?

Yes, that should be correct.

No, it does not send any config/parameter change commands upon connecting. You have to send them explicitly.

1 Like

Once again big thanks! And I’m in shock - first attempt and it works:

The only thing I’m not so sure of, are these errors:

I don’t see them displayed on heater’s display plus temperature readings are ok and do correspond to other outdoor temperature sensors readings…
So, is mapping wrong or it is an “old” - inactive error?

Presets: Eco and comfort, what do they set and how can verify/edit those settings being changed?

Those could be old errors. Check the device manual - there is an option to go through the history of errors. It will also have mapping from the hex code to what it actually means.

Eco is switching the heater to the reduced temp. mode - it stays this way until next scheduled time
Comfort - the other way round - switches to normal temp mode until the next scheduled time.
You can see and control them on the room or heater controller - depending on which version you have

It is getting more clear, thanks again!
One, last question: “Optolink Queue Size” - it shows values between 70 and 80. Is it ok or it means update intervals issue?

Maybe one more question: When I switch party mode on in heater’s controller (locally) - it changes status of party mode switch (in HA) to “on” and preset to “comfort”.
Other way around, switching party mode on in HA, it toggles preset to “comfort” as well but I don’t see status changed in heater’s controller - party mode indicator LED remains unlit… Is it as expected?

That is most likely representing an issue. You have too many entities being updated too frequently.
This in my opinion also most likely impacts your attempt to control the party mode as requests are not getting processed or it takes long time before they are.
Try to increase the update interval so that the queue size does not exceed 10 at any time.
You can also increase update interval of some entities to very high values for entities that don’t change at all like the heating curve etc.

Hello, I also have the same model of boiler as Viessmann, but today I used an OT device to connect it and found that I could only read the data of the hot water and could not perform any control. I read the instructions and found that there is a jumper between L and 1 that needs to be remove, but I checked and found that my boiler does not have this jumper. Does your boiler have it? How did you connect it?

Other Viessmann boilers need to be set to OT mode in the menu after connecting to the OT device. Ours does not have a menu, do we need to set it?

Unfortunately, it seems like I’m not able to change/activate Party Mode via optolink. After toggling any of switches:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Economy mode
    id: economy_mode
    address: 0x2302
    icon: mdi:sprout-outline
    update_interval: 123s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party mode
    id: party_mode
    address: 0x2303
    icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
    update_interval: 72s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Economy mode M2
    id: economy_mode_m2
    address: 0x3302
    icon: mdi:sprout-outline
    update_interval: 303s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party mode M2
    id: party_mode_m2
    address: 0x3303
    icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
    update_interval: 307s

They change (temporarily) its own presets and after several seconds all goes back to previous state (I guess once values are read again).
There is a post: Viessmann OpenV vcontrold Client (Optolink) - #62 by pashdown saying that setting new values doesn’t work…

@adorobis does it work on your side? And if so, did you need to change anything else in boiler/heater?

Yes, party and eco modes work for my heater, even on both circuits (main and the floor heating). I did not have to change anything in config or in any other place as far as I remember. The only thing is that it takes sometimes even 2-3 minutes before the eco or party mode is really activated.

I know it’s a bit wild guess but I’ve just found page: OpenV_NodeMCU/VitoWifi_NodeMCU.ino at 12eca651bbfbc7485fad270e2ef1afbed0b84d6f · Schnup89/OpenV_NodeMCU · GitHub
with following code:

//###### Betriebsarten
DPMode getBetriebArtM1("getbetriebartm1","betriebsarten", 0x2301);     //HK1 0=Abschaltb,1=nur WW,2=heiz+WW, 3=DauernRed,3=Dauer Norma.
DPMode getBetriebArtM2("getbetriebartm2","betriebsarten", 0x3301);     //HK2 0=Abschaltb,1=nur WW,2=heiz+WW, 3=DauernRed,3=Dauer Norma.
DPStat getBetriebPartyM1("getbetriebpartym1","betriebsarten", 0x2303); //HK1 Party
DPStat getBetriebPartyM2("getbetriebpartym2","betriebsarten", 0x3303); //HK2 Party
DPStat setBetriebPartyM1("setbetriebpartym1","betriebsarten", 0x2330); //HK1 Party schreiben
DPStat setBetriebPartyM2("setbetriebpartym2","betriebsarten", 0x3330); //HK2 Party schreiben

Above shows that addresses configured in my setup:


are used to retrieve party mode status…
I can’t find list of optolink functions addresses, can anybody confirm them?

Those addresses are used both for reading and setting the state. And that’s how it is done in the optolink integration as well with the switch entities:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Economy mode
    id: economy_mode
    address: 0x2302
    icon: mdi:sprout-outline
    update_interval: 123s

  - platform: optolink
    name: Party mode
    id: party_mode
    address: 0x2303
    icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
    update_interval: 72s

Would have been safe enough to try for setting party mode these addresses:


instead of already in use:



Ok, If I change party mode switches’ addresses to:


they remain constantly ON.

when set as:


switches are OFF.

If I toggle them, they switch themselves back respectively, to their initial status.

On the other hand, Current Operating Mode A1 value is “773”. Nothing of configured mapping:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Current Operating Mode A1
    address: 0x2500
    bytes: 2
    update_interval: 128s
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "2 -> off"           # when in standby or dhw modes
        - "258 -> reduced"     # when in reduced (night) or forcedReduced modes or in Eco preset
        - "514 -> comfort"     # when in day heating or in Comfort preset
        - "770 -> normal"      # when in forcedNormal type

What is the meaning of “773” status? If I’m not mistaken, my hardware configuration is that M1 heats up boiler (water heat accumulator) with secondary loops’ coils inside.
And M2 is those secondary loops…
Current Operating Mode M2 keeps showing “comfort”

Thus, is there any way to get Party Mode switches functioning?

Queue issue was caused by two sensors:

  - platform: optolink
   name: Return temperature
   address: 0x0816
   bytes: 2
   div_ratio: 1
     multiply: 0.1
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   unit_of_measurement: °C
   device_class: temperature
   update_interval: 72s
   state_class: measurement
   force_update: true


  - platform: optolink
    name: Exhaust temperature
    address: 0x0808
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 78s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

Both of them were showing the same temperature(?)… If both of them were enabled, queue did reach value of 80 within an hour. If only one of them, it took couple of hours.
And now when I keep them disabled, queue’s value is between 0 and 6.

1 Like

Interesting observation. I have not found them useful anyway so I have them both disabled.

@adorobis could you tell me exactly how you enable party mode in your heater?
Is it just toggling party mode switch or something else?
On my side, whatever I do in HA it doesn’t activate party mode… Maybe because when doing it locally (at Viessmann controller) after pushing party mode button I need also to hit OK button to confirm room temperature setpoint…

And when it comes to presets and operation mode.

  • Do I need to change them both simultaneously? I’m asking because when I change operation mode locally - at heater’s controller, I don’t need to choose circulation loops. Question also applies to party modes.
  • forcedReduced and forcedNormal operation modes, what do they do?
  • Are presets (eco & comfort) to be activated by Economy and Party mode switches or the other way around? In my case, only switching to eco mode works.
  • Naming convention:
    1/ Eco preset is reduced/night room temperature?
    2/ Comfort preset is party mode?
    But in normal operation I can see status:
    Zrzut ekranu 2024-12-23 o 12.01.31
    Zrzut ekranu 2024-12-23 o 12.08.50
    Zrzut ekranu 2024-12-23 o 12.09.32

I’m sorry for so many questions but before setting up any automation, I need to know what I’m about to do :slight_smile:

I just need to enable the toggle switch for party mode and that’s it. One thing I’ve observed is that it does not get activated immediately but after some time (like at least a minute). So the led for the party mode (and similarly for eco mode) on the controller are also turning on with some delay. Similarly if you enable this mode from the physical controller it will get reflected in HA after some time only.

This is probably not needed. Just wait for a moment and the party (or eco) mode will get activated with the temp that was set there before.

No, preset is only used to select the party or eco modes. Like the dedicated buttons on the physical controller. Specifics of those modes are that they will turn off with the next scheduled mode.
Operation mode is the main mode of the heater.
On the controller the top row is Operation mode, the bottom row is the Preset mode.

Let me address rest of the questions in next reply as I need to disconnect now :slight_smile:
Edit: the rest of your questions:

In essence they do what the name suggests: they override the scheduled mode and go into day / heating mode (normal) or night / reduced temp (night) mode. End it stays this way until you change the operation mode to a different one.

It is called Eco and Comfort in HA just because there is only specified set of presets that can be used in HA, if you want to add it to the climate entity. Otherwise I would call it Party and Eco. And as explained above - those presets are turn off automatically on the next scheduled mode change or based on timer (which can be set in the device settings - refer to the installer’s manual of Viessmann heater).

I have not seen such status in my unit: 773 therefore it is not mapped to a text status. You can change this mapping in esphome config of this sensor. I have also used the status names to have them in line with they official Vicare integration and I’ve mapped them according to my unit behaviour.

Hope this clarifies a bit more but I agree that this is overall a bit confusing setup. Some of it is simply caused by very specific names of operation and preset modes in HA.

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Once again, thanks very much for taking a time and explaining.
In my case, Party mode M2 switch started working when I adjusted in HA “Party Floor Temperature Setpoint” and the same applies to Party mode switch after touching “Party Temperature Setpoint”. So, something was related to those temperatures set points…

BTW, do you have a list or know a website where I can find all available addresses used in opentherm/viessmann heater? I would like to map that 773 status plus find address where solar panels’ temperature is presented (solar panels controller is connected to Viessmann boiler)…

The best place is the OpenV project:

Good starting point for addresses is this one:

But I’ve noticed that some are missing so it is good to dig deeper and here you’ll find dumps with much more data:

in this file you have to find your controller version and browse through the text file.

Most of above is in German but google translate is good enough to figure this out in any language.

Based on this:

  • Solar (3352) HIDDEN:(54_SR=“0 without”)
  • Solar control (941) [K54_Solar_Info~0x7754 (Byte)]
  • Solar storage temperature (5276) [SolarStoragetemperatur~0x6566 (Int)] HIDDEN:(“Solar storage temperature”>{‘CompanyId’: ‘24’, ‘Unit’: ‘Grad C’, ‘DataType’: ‘Float’, ‘Stepping’: 0.1, ‘LowerBorder’: 0.0, ‘UpperBorder’: 127.0} OR “Solar storage temperature”<{‘CompanyId’: ‘24’, ‘Unit’: ‘Grad C’, ‘DataType’: ‘Float’, ‘Stepping’: 0.1, ‘LowerBorder’: 0.0, ‘UpperBorder’: 127.0})
  • Solar collector temperature (5272) [Solar collector temperature~0x6564 (SInt)] HIDDEN:(“Solar collector temperature”>{‘CompanyId’: ‘24’, ‘Unit’: ‘Grad C’, ‘DataType’: ‘Float’, ‘Stepping’: 0.1, ‘LowerBorder’: -20.0, ‘UpperBorder’: 250.0} OR “Solar collector temperature”<{‘CompanyId’: ‘24’, ‘Unit’: ‘Grad C’, ‘DataType’: ‘Float’, ‘Stepping’: 0.1, ‘LowerBorder’: -20.0, ‘UpperBorder’: 250.0} OR “Status solar collector sensor”=“Not available”)
  • Solar Recharge suppression (5273) [SolarNachlade~0x6551 (Byte)]
  • Solar solar pump (5274) [SolarPumpe~0x6552 (Byte)]
  • Solar operating hours (5277) [SolarStunden~0x6568 (Int)]
  • Solar heat quantity (5279) [SolarWaerme~0x6560 (Int4)]

I came up with following:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Solar Circulation Pump
    address: 0x6552
    update_interval: 145s
    device_class: power
  - platform: optolink
    name: Solar Storage temperature
    address: 0x6566
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 185s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true
  - platform: optolink
    name: Solar Collector temperature
    address: 0x6564
    bytes: 2
    div_ratio: 1
      multiply: 0.1
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    device_class: temperature
    update_interval: 170s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true
  - platform: optolink
    name: Solar Operating Hours
    address: 0x6568
    bytes: 4
    device_class: duration
    unit_of_measurement: h
    state_class: total_increasing
    icon: mdi:counter
    update_interval: 1800s
      - lambda: return x / 3600;
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    force_update: true
  - platform: optolink
    name: Solar Heat Quantity
    address: 0x6560
    bytes: 4
    unit_of_measurement: J
    update_interval: 493s
    state_class: measurement
    force_update: true

But I don’t see anywhere in those files number of bytes and/or div_ratio information. I copied configuration of similar items but I don’t think Solar Heat Quantity works
At least some of information is displayed (storage is shared with gas boiler):
Zrzut ekranu 2024-12-27 o 18.46.36