Convert 24hr total sensor to hourly values?

Is there a way to covert a sensor that seems to total the numbers for the last 24 hours, so that I can see a total that resets for each hour instead?

I have a sensor that provides data from my solar investors, but that sensor doesn’t break the values up in a helpful enough way.

Well that is not a view of the sensor, it is a view of a graph of the sensor. What happens if you just look at a entity view?

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I was showing you how the value increases throughout the day. The value of currently is “32262”. Thanks, I had never seen the “Power Generation” attribute before. I am going to pull that value into a new template sensor and see if that does what I need.

Boy do I feel foolish! I already had made a template sensor that pulled that value out, and it is exactly what I want to see!

Haha. I’ve been frustrated about this sensor for months and have been fooling with statistics sensors and really not sure what do it. I already had a solution… I just forgot about it.