Convert an IR controlled air conditioner to a proper climate device

Hello community!

I searched all over the forum an the internet and didn’t find any normal IR-controlled AC devices to be integrated as standard “climate” units.

Using a simple IR blaster the devices can be controlled using JSON strinks like this, usinng IRhvac command:

'IRhvac {"Vendor":"GREE","Model":1,"Power":"on","Mode":"heat","Celsius":"on","Temp":21,"FanSpeed":"auto","SwingV":"auto","Turbo":"off","Light":"on"}'

The IR blaster uning Tasmota firmware can be easily integrated in Home Assistant like this, as a switch, to just turn on and off the AC:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Room1"
    command_topic: "cmnd/ir-room1/backlog"
    payload_on: 'IRhvac {"Vendor":"GREE","Model":1,"Power":"on","Mode":"heat","Celsius":"on","Temp":21,"FanSpeed":"auto","SwingV":"auto","Turbo":"off","Light":"on"}'
    payload_off: 'IRhvac {"Vendor":"GREE","Model":1,"Power":"off","Mode":"off","Celsius":"on","Temp":21,"FanSpeed":"auto","SwingV":"auto","Turbo":"off","Light":"off"}'

But, that’s not very useful if one wants to modify AC parameters.

Is there a way to crate an abstraction layer between an climate.mqtt device and the payloads required to be sent?

I’m thinking about some virtual device with different topics as a standard climate.mqtt, but these topics would point to some sort of script or or function which would concatenate the json string based on the required values, and then send them by mqtt to the real IR blaster topic as a normal IRhvac command. Does such an “mqtt topic catcher” exist?

Can you please point me in the right direction? How to do that?

Nevermind. With SmartIR, I was able to create an IRHVAC code list with most options, now I’ve got a nice climate controller in Lovelace.

Hi Roby.
Can you help me? I’m struggling with the same… I have the same AC and I’m using a tasmota blaster.
I can’t integrate it al all!!
Can you send me some guidelines?? or the config? that will be great!

Your help will be much appreciated
thanks a lot is also a good option here.