Convert binary sensor state into 0 or 1?

Need to do a REST command to send the integer value (1 or 0) of a binary sensor in home assistant. But when I try to do it, I get an error because it sends “on” or “off” rather than 1 or 0.

    url:{{ states.binary_sensor.water_heater_running.state }}
    username: uname
    password: !secret isy_password

How do I send a numeric value rather than the text value? I tried doing math on it (| float) but that always gives 0 rather than 1 or 0.

{{ is_state('binary_sensor.water_heater_running', 'on') | abs }}
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{{ 0 if states(‘thing being tested’) == ‘off’ else 1 }}

Bugger, 123 beat me to it

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@123 and @Mutt, both your suggestions worked! Thanks!!!