Convert four switches into one slider?

I have a Z-wave pool control system that I am able to control through Home Assistant via Hubitat.

The pool pump, is controlled by 5 separate switches for each speed 0-4.

So, for instance, to turn on speed for speeds, zero, one, two, three are all off and speed four is on.

Well, this functionally works, aesthetically. It is not pleasing because I have to have multiple switches displayed to control my pump (see image below after I bring switches into HomeKit).

Is there a way, using Home Assistant that I can convert these five switches into a single slider?

You can easily create an input_number, min 0, max 4 and show it as a slider.

type: entities
  - name: Fan
    entity: input_number.fan_speed

It will look something like this

Then create an automation triggered on a change of the input_number to switch on/off the corresponding switches.

You can also do a template binary_sensor to map 0-3 to off and 4 to on

EDIT Old school, no need for special entity row type, updated.

I could show you how to do similar in Hubitat but I don’t think the moderators would appreciate that much. :grinning:

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