Convert from Kelvin to "other" color temp

I currently have an automation that turns on all my LED lights in my kitchen at sunset. I spent a bit of time fine tuning the color temps so they all match each other within the automation configuration since they are from different manufacturers. My end goal is to have a scene I can trigger from a dashboard that matches the same state as that automation. The problem I am seeing is that the automation has temp in Kelvin and that is not an option in Scenes. Color temp in scenes apparently goes from 153 to 666 in scenes no idea what “units” these are. Is there an easy way to convert from Kelvin to whatever this unit is in Scenes? I can try to ballpark it but was hoping to have something more specific.


The unit for color_temp is “mireds”. Reference: Light integration.

According to this reference, to convert from Kelvin to mireds, divide 1000000 by the value in Kelvin.