Convert OpenweatherMap Integration to use "one-call-api"

Very exciting. I’ve been able to learn a lot putting together something that I could as a stop gap but I also look forward to using this!

Great to read the new api is almost implemented! Thank you!

Hope the daily min/max temperature values will then be simply exposed by the owm plugin.

Great news, but if I get it right, this won‘t be in the next release.
This means we will have to wait a couple of weeks more.
Is it possible to release it as a custom component in hacs?

Release week. Postings peak, complaints and moans come in, tempers flare.

In the age of lockdown, this is our entertainment :slight_smile:

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I don‘t see any reason to publish the integration in the meantime as custom component. I think publishing on hacs will make more confusion as it will help. Because then we have to different versions…

If you’re desperate for a decent weather integration try this

I’m interested. :slight_smile:
Looking forwards to it

@edenhaus Can’t wait for it! :slight_smile: If you need beta testers, I’m in! :+1:

Any updates on this? I’m new to HA so I’m not able to get Darksky working. I’d really like hourly forecast info so I can automate some HVAC stuff. Also, are there any “new guy” friendly lovelace cards that have hourly forecast data included? I’ve been reading for a few weeks and with all the different options, I guess I’m just hoping someone can point me to something simple I can start with. Thanks!!

Hi Doug,

The current Openweathermap integration does allow you to pull hourly values.

All you would need to do is plug in your API key. Hourly is the default so you could leave out the ‘mode’ variable:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
    mode: hourly

Thanks @cj922. I was able to get this working over the weekend. If I’m not mistaken, the One-Call API provides data for each hour, where the older api provides only every 3 hours. Not the end of the world of course, but every hour would be better for my needs.

Appreciate your response either way!!

So I’ve obviously misunderstood this, as we have had 3 new releases since this post and the one api integration (including multi-day forecasting I believe) is not in. Not complaining at all, but just trying to understand when/if this will make it into the main home assistant install. Thanks

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very, very, very, very (did I mention very?) interested in this as well. Please reach out if you need any coding, testing, etc. assistance!

This integration utilizes the pyowm component which has been updated to leverage the OneCall API but it doesnt appear that this HA integration has been updated to utilize this call.

Additionally, it looks like the OWM api has changed to allow 60 calls per minute for the free tier.

Just adding another voice asking when this will be released,


## NEW! Probability of precipitation in OpenWeather forecasts!

Was the Minute Forecast 1 hour already available earlier for the one-call-api?

It was there when I signed up in early July. The new precipitation value is going to be very useful to anyone trying to make their irrigation smarter.

Seems the PR has been merged - is there any support you need to make the changes you mentioned? Would be great if we can make use of the onecall api and retreive more detailed info from owm.

Seems it was in 0.115 :slight_smile:

What was in 0.115? So far as I can tell, the one-call-api still isn’t supported.