Convert scrape date/time into a custom date/time

Can someone help me to convert the following scrape result into a custom date/time format?

  - resource: ""
      - name: "Tango last update"
        unique_id: tango_last_update
        select: ".sidenote"
        index: 0
        availability: >-
          {{ (states('sensor.tango_last_update') not in ('unknown', 'unavailable')) }}

gives me as result:
Laatste prijs update: 12:05 uur, 01-09-2024

But I’m looking for a custom date/time format like:
01 Sep 2024, 12:47
so: day month day, hour:minutes

When I try something like this it gives me the correct date but not the timestamp:
{% set x = states.tango_last_update| selectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none']) | list | count %} {{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%d %b %Y, %I:%M') }}

01 Sep 2024, 12:50
so the date is correct but not the time…

I’m wondering if I could better solve it at the scrape sensor, or use seperate template sensor like this?


{% set v = 'Laatste prijs update: 12:05 uur, 01-09-2024' %}
{{  strptime(v.split(': ')[1], "%H:%M uur, %d-%m-%Y").strftime("%d %m %Y") }}

gives:a datetime as:
2024-09-01 12:05:00
From there you can format

thanks! it works