Convert string to int?

I have this sensor:

  - platform: nextion
    nextion_id: disp1
    name: $device_name day
    id: disp1_day
    component_name: dayt
    update_interval: 1s

and in lambda code I want to use this as a integer.

day = id(disp1_day).state;

if(daycount == day){
    ^^ int value

I found this topic but I don’t get it, I can’t get that to work.



It could probably work the other way around also.
Make daycount a string. daycount is a counter variable in a loop.

Does ((toInt(daycount)) == day) work? Other wise from the sensor that creates daycount set the value to a global using (toInt(daycount) in the lambda.

Read the linked post in my thread. ESPhome uses character arrays not strings, so your code should look like:

int day = atoi(id(disp1_day).state.c_str());

if(daycount == day){


I could not get atoi or any of the other methods to work.

Hi there you all …

This worked for me :

      it.printf(0, 30, id(OLED_font), "%4.0d W",  atoi(id(SolarReading).state.c_str()));