Convert Time


New to home assistant and trying to figure out how I can convert a sensor with 5:34:34 ( hours:minutes:seconds ) to something like 5h 34m as it looks cleaner and nicer in the UI.

I have tried many ways but none seems to work. Any help would be appreciated. :grinning:

Thank You!

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Can you maybe show me how?


Put this into the Template Editor and experiment with it:

{% set x = '5:34:34'.split(':') %}

{{x[0]}}h {{x[1]}}m

If the sensor you have is called sensor.timestring then:

{% set x = states('sensor.timestring').split(':') %}

{{x[0]}}h {{x[1]}}m
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I was hoping you would pop along!


{% set x = states('sensor.timestring').split(':') %}

{{x[0]}}h {{x[1]}}m

Works great for me, thanks everyone for helping! :heart: