Convert W to kWh?

Should i then be able to see the device in the Energy Dashboard? Ultimately thats what i am trying to do.

Thatā€™s not how this works.

It utilises the average function operating on the power consumption of a device.

The average power over a period of time is multiplied by the duration of the measurement and this gives the energy consumed.

Sorry Iā€™m confused on how you know this?
If his power readings are averaing over a fixed period or if they are instantaneous power usage after a fixed energy usage?..
I was expecting @invinciberry would know what kind of sensor he has.
How do you know how his sensor works?
He has only one post and no other explanationā€¦
Am I missing something? Did he tell you in a private message? Are you guys living together?
This is really confusingā€¦

Same issue here. Tried everything I could think of, but itā€™s notwirking

I am new to all this, so apologies if I use some wrong terminology.
I was trying to acheive something similar to create a sensor/meter to sum the Watts used on a Meross (mss310) smart plug I have.

My current method is using a ā€˜Riemann sumā€™ (trapezoidal, time unit = hours) based on the watt entity of my smart plug. This just constantly sums the W reading from my smartplug, so after a few days Iā€™m at a few KWh. not ideal.

Then I created a ā€˜utility meterā€™ using the above riemann sum, and using a daily reset cycle.
(still working getting an average, or ā€˜last24hrsā€™)

This gives me a sensor with Wh I can add to my energy dashboard and see the daily usage of my ā€˜fridgeā€™

Just to add I have implemented this for a homebrew optical pulse sensor in HA 2023.1.7 using the Riemann Integration:

- platform: integration
  source: sensor.power
  name: Energy (House)
  unit_prefix: k
  round: 2

I will measure this over a few days and report accuracy.

In my case, I am already sampling the raw output of kWh into a W value, then integrating it again, so Iā€™m not expecting particularly high accuracy but a good ballpark figure.

For anyone else in this situation, I found that the blink rate of the smart meter I have (combination of the pulses per kWh and my usage) is too high to practically transmit over MQTT using e.g. home-assistant-glow although if the accuracy is terrible using the above or average I may give it a go nonetheless.

In my case, itā€™s quite accurate. I use Riemann sum LEFT to convert solar power production from Enphase Envoy gateway, the value is in watts, to kWh.

I compared that against the official app from Enphase and I get the same value. Well, the app uses 1 digit decimal, the conversion uses 2 digits. Rounded to 1 digit, and itā€™s the same.

Probably it might not be ā€œsuper accurateā€ ? But itā€™s good enough. Easy, not complicated :wink:

After a monthā€™s usage I can confirm the integration implementation is within 0.1% accurate of the built-in smart meter reading, ie. 99.9% accurate.

This is also given the fact I sample the smart meter in the first place before integration, so thatā€™s really very good.

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I updated HA to the latest version and since then the conversion of W to kWh does not work
I donā€™t have an entity visible in the Energy panel
in configuration.yaml I have the entry:

#Calculation Zever Solar Inverter Power Production
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.zever_inverter_power
    name: Zever Power Production
    unit_prefix: k
    method: left

zever_inverter_power returns a value e.g. 5662 W

before the update everything works good since january
do you know what has changed and what should i improve in my configuration?
thank you in advance and best regards

Same problem here.
wrong value today , and i donā€™t understand what is changed . I used it from two years, and always work well.

- platform: integration
   source: sensor.power_ac_fronius_inverter_1_192_168_15_174
    name: kwfronius_energy
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 0

When using the Riemann sum LEFT integration, does the kWh value resets to 0 at midnight?

I also have an Envoy with no CTs but at least I get the current power output , and Iā€™m trying to see if this will give me a daily accumulative of kWh

To get daily reset, you need to use utility meter helper

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Hi, I am late to this party but trying to see if I understand what is said here.

I have a Power Station that I want to keep track of in terms of discharged energy (kWh). I only have the power sensor (attached pic). So I use this power senor as the input to this Riemann Sum Integral integration ?

Thanks !

The total change based on Rieman brings some error records twice as much as the kwh reading in the Tuya app. It seems better to record things which are continuously running however for something like a fridge which runs for 3 minutes and sleep for 15 minutes it real cause a wrong reading for total kwh