Converted from Legacy formatted templates to Modern Configuration format

Well it was a journey but I survived and have successfully completed the painstaking manual conversion from legacy formatted sensors and binary sensors to the modern format and have cleaned up all my Lovelace frontend. It only took about 8 hours!!
538 lines in the new /config/templates/sensor.yaml
165 lines in /config/templates/binary_sensor.yaml
/config/binary_sensors.yaml now is only 114 lines
/config/sensors.yaml is only 212 lines…


What did you see as the benefit?

Only minor benefit really, and personal satisfaction. templated binary/sensors are now in their own files which are together in a templates directory while the original sensor.yaml and binary_sensor.yaml only contain non-templated platforms. Most of my templates were legacy but some were modern format so it sometimes was a bit of a hassle remembering which format I had used for a template and which file to look in. I also made sure in the process to give them all unique_id’s so editing any from the front end is now possible.

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