Yes, exactly this error message I got when I tried to install the HassIO HomeGear addon from the repo you mentioned. Unfortunately there are some minor problems with my solution from above, e.g. the HTTP server does not start correctly.
But I am working on a new version of the HassIO HomeGear addon. If I’ve got everything working, I will post a tutorial here.
I’ve been running the flashed cube for a few weeks now connected to HA.
Many restarts of HA and everything is still working OK - that’s more than I ever got with the original firmware.
The configuration loss seems to be a bug in the original firmware, so should no longer be present with a-culfw AFAIK.
See in the guide above - pairing happens via HomeGear, there are a number of apps that can be used to control HomeGear, I used Homematic manager.
The homematic manager app tells HomeGear to put the cube to pairing mode, the actual pairing process then works the same as the original firmware.
So, I finally managed to setup HomeGear as HassIO Addon. Before publishing it in a repo for easy installation, I would like to give a preview for testing:
I’m currently looking at incorporating TRV control into HA and am torn between this, Thermal Actuators controlled by Sonoffs (with automation to close them off when a room temp is hit) or EnerGenies…
So, i’ve everything up and running! Thanks for the tutorial! Once I got HomeGear running, it worked like a charm.
There are two things I’m working on right now, maybe someone has a hint:
I have rooms with two radiator thermostats. How can I make HomeAssistant automatically set the temperature of the first thermostat, if I change it manually for the second? Solved, see Converting a MAX! Cube to CUL/CUN to use with Home Assistant
Seems like my MAX! Eco Taster does not pair. Someone experiencing the same? Worked after resetting the Eco Taster.
For adjusting the thermostats, what do you use for automations? - built in HA automations or Node Red?
It would be extremely simple with Node Red… But I don’t have experience of built in HA automations much, so not sure on that front.
I just finished up connecting a flow that turns on the heating when at least 2 room are > 1 degree less than the Max! Setpoint for that room.
Once I have the kinks ironed out I’ll post it here.
Currently I’m only using build-in automation. I will have a look at Node Red tomorrow, I haven’t tried it yet. If you’ve an idea how to quick-solve this problem, I’d be very happy
I believe this should set device climate.abc12345 to the value of climate.def54321 when it changes… But I’ve not tested as I’m not using built in automation.
Yes - I’d think so (as I say, I’ve not tested), but from what I can tell looking at the automation docs - that should push the temperature value of ‘def’ to ‘abc’ each time the state of ‘def’ is changed.
On the first view i think that influxdb and node-blue is not nessacery in the container and i am also not shure if the /var/lib/homegear directory must also be published to outside of the container.
The /var/lib/homegear is stored outside the container, but not visible for the user. It is stored in /data, this is the default directory for persistent data for HassIO addons. Is there a reason to make it user editable / visible?
To be honest, I have no idea what influxdb is used for, but it is part of the official homegear docker container. Can you explain what this is used for?
I haven’t used Homegear in a while, but the resolvenames: json setting is targeted at people that use the HomeMatic CCU2/3, which exposes a JSON-RPC API. When I was using Homegear it did not have the JSON-RPC API like the CCU.
It should be possible though to set this to resolvenames: metadata (and remove username + password), which then would use the names you set within you manager software (that type of software stores the names in the metadata).
In my case, the problem starts earlier. When entering names in Homematic Manager, they aren’t even stored in homegear. The names are not displayed on the status website of homegear, neither are they displayed in a second instance of Homematic manager in a different machine.