Converting a MAX! Cube to CUL/CUN to use with Home Assistant

You can try to telnet to it with the command: telnet 2323 if it connects you can give the command V to get the version of the SW inside.
Tip if you use your PC to power the cube it does not work probably because the Cube sees the USB connection so you eed to use a separate power supply.

Hi thanks for your answer
The cube is powered through its own power supply
and the telnet command gives this:
V 1.26.04_nocredits a-culfw Build: private build (unknown) CUBe (F-Band: 868MHz)

@ganfoud This look okay same I get so the flashing did work.
Did you install the Max family extension ( sudo apt install homegear-max)
and set homematic-mager to connect to your server not the cube?

@taste Yes sir the extension is installed and configured with the correct address
and homematic manager points to the correct homegear install (it used to work!)

so it seems the Cube is working then
I confirmed via telnet the IP (anyway the telnet command wouldn’t work if I had used the wrong IP)
so I guess it can be a Homegear issue
I’ve posted on the Homegear forum but no answer in 10 days…
here is my max.conf file:

---------------------------------- MAX!  ----------------------------------

########## General Settings  ##########


moduleEnabled = true

## The MAX! address of Homegear. It is recommended to change this to a random 3 byte hexadecimal
## value starting with 0xFD (e. g. 0xFD43AB). Only change this, when no MAX! devices
## are paired to Homegear as existing pairings will not work anymore!
#centralAddress = 0xFD0001

################# CUL #################

## The device family this interface is for

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
#id = My-MAX-CUL

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
#default = true

## Options: cul, coc, cc1100
#deviceType = cul

#device = /dev/ttyACM0

## Should be "40" for MAX!
#responseDelay = 40

########## TI CC1101 Module  ##########

## The device family this interface is for
#[TI CC1101 Module]

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
#id = My-MAX-CC1101

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
#default = true

## Options: cul, coc, cc1100
#deviceType = cc1100

#device = /dev/spidev0.0

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "40" for CUL or COC and "45" for TI CC1101.
#responseDelay = 45

## The interrupt pin to use. "0" for GDO0 or "2" for GDO2.
## You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO
## you connected the interrupt pin to below.
#interruptPin = 2

## The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.
#gpio1 = 23

### Additional TI CC1190 Config ###

## The GPIO high gain mode of the CC1190 is connected to.
## Default: -1 (disabled)
#gpio2 = 5

## The hexadecimal value for the PATABLE of the TI CC1101.
## Default:
## - Without high gain mode: 0xC2
## - With high gain mode: 0x27 (maximum legally allowed setting)
#txPowerSetting = 0x27

################ CUNX  ################

## The device family this interface is for

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = Max-CUNX

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw
deviceType = cunx

## IP address of your CUNX
host =

## Port number your CUNX listens on. Normally 2323.
port = 2323

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "40" for CUNX
responseDelay = 40

######### COC, SCC, CSM, CCD  #########

## The device family this interface is for

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
#id = My-COC

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
#default = true

#deviceType = coc

#device = /dev/ttyAMA0

## Default: gpio1 = 0
## "17" for COC, SCC and CCD. Empty for CSM.
#gpio1 = 17

## Default: gpio2 = 0
## "18" for COC and SCC. "22" for CCD. Empty for CSM.
#gpio2 = 18

## Should be "40" for MAX!
#responseDelay = 40

## Default: stackPosition = 0 (= no stacking)
## Set stackPosition if you use the SCC and stacked multiple devices.
## Set stackPosition to "1" for the lowest device, to "2" for the device
## above that and so on.
# stackPosition = 0

I’m not sure about the centralAddress parameter, however it was not set in my previous working setup…

My config looks like this:

id = Max-CUNX
default = true
deviceType = cunx
host =
port = 2323
responseDelay = 40

is your homegear service running ?
What is the output from:
service --status-all | grep homegear

And whats is in your homegear.conf ?

EDIT: I found your thread at homegrear forums.
Your log says “Signal 11 received.”, this kills your homegear and restarts.
Please uninstall homegear completely, remove all configs an reinstall version 0.8.

ok so the config seems ok
service is running
I tried 2 different installs (both from scratch), one in docker with version 0.8 and a “standard” one with 0.7.38
on the standard one, your command gives:

[ + ]  homegear
[ + ]  homegear-management

and service homegear status gives:

● homegear.service - Homegear
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/homegear.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-03-28 07:34:40 GMT; 2 days ago
  Process: 386 ExecStartPre=/etc/homegear/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 403 (homegear)
   CGroup: /system.slice/homegear.service
           ├─  403 /usr/bin/homegear -u homegear -g homegear -p /var/run/homegear/
           └─12185 homegear -c /etc/homegear/ -rse

Mar 28 07:34:38 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Homegear...
Mar 28 07:34:40 raspberrypi[386]: Could not set permissions on /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/
Mar 28 07:34:40 raspberrypi[386]: Could not set permissions on /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/
Mar 28 07:34:40 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Homegear.
Mar 28 07:34:43 raspberrypi homegear[403]: 03/28/19 07:34:43.168 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
Mar 28 07:34:43 raspberrypi homegear[403]: 03/28/19 07:34:43.181 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf

and on both installs I can access the homegear page

I can’t find a homegear.conf, do you mean main.conf?
here is the content:

# See for more details:

# Default: runAsUser = root
# runAsUser = homegear

# Default: runAsGroup = root
# runAsGroup = homegear

# Set the debug log level
# 0=none, 1=critical, 2=error, 3=warning, 4=info, 5=debug, >5=more debug information
# Default: 4
debugLevel = 4

# Default: memoryDebugging = false
memoryDebugging = true

# Prints log information helping in fixing errors
# Default: devLog = false
devLog = false

# Set to false to disable core dumps. Currently to make fixing errors easier, core dumps are enabled by default.
# Default: enableCoreDumps = true
enableCoreDumps = true

# If set to true Homegear sets permissions on devices and GPIOs on start. On some systems that might not be
# desirable or necessary. If Homegear is part of all groups that have access to the needed devices, you can
# savely set this setting to false.
# Default: setDevicePermissions = true
setDevicePermissions = true

# The working directory of Homegear. E. g. core dumps are written here. If workingDirectory is empty, the
# executable path is used.
# Default: workingDirectory =
workingDirectory = /var/lib/homegear

# The socket files are placed into this directory. If socketPath is empty, the executable path is used.
# Default: socketPath =
socketPath = /var/run/homegear

# If dataPath is empty, the executable path is used.
# Default: dataPath =
dataPath = /var/lib/homegear

# Default: dataPathPermissions = 770
# dataPathPermissions = 770

# Default: dataPathUser =
# dataPathUser = homegear

# Default: dataPathGroup =
# dataPathGroup = homegear

# If writeableDataPath is empty, dataPath is used. Use this setting, if dataPath is not writeable. Homegear then writes
# files to this location when needed.
# Default: writeableDataPath = <dataPath>
# writeableDataPath = /data/homegear-data

# Default: writeableDataPathPermissions = 770
# writeableDataPathPermissions = 770

# Default: writeableDataPathUser =
# writeableDataPathUser = homegear

# Default: writeableDataPathGroup =
# writeableDataPathGroup = homegear

# Family data is stored here.
# Default: familyDataPath = <executable path>/families
familyDataPath = /var/lib/homegear/families

# Default: familyDataPathPermissions = 770
# familyDataPathPermissions = 770

# Default: familyDataPathUser =
# familyDataPathUser = homegear

# Default: familyDataPathGroup =
# familyDataPathGroup = homegear

# If databaseMemoryJournal is set to true, database write operations are faster but if your system
# suffers a power loss the database might get corrupted.
# Default: databaseMemoryJournal = false
databaseMemoryJournal = false

# If databaseWALJournal is set to true database write operations are faster. This is safer than
# setting databaseMemoryJournal. databaseWALJournal and databaseMemoryJournal cannot be used together.
# Default: databaseWALJournal = true
databaseWALJournal = true

# If databaseSynchronous is set to false database write operations are faster but if your system
# suffers a power loss the database might get corrupted.
# Default: databaseSynchronous = true
databaseSynchronous = true

# By default the database is stored in "dataPath". With databasePath you can set an alternative directory.
# databasePath =

# By default database backups are stored in "dataPath". With databaseBackupPath you can set an alternative backup
# directory.
# databaseBackupPath =

# databaseMaxBackups defines the maximum number of database backups to create. When this number is reached,
# old backups are deleted.
# Default: databaseMaxBackups = 10
databaseMaxBackups = 10

# Default: logfilePath = /var/log/homegear
logfilePath = /var/log/homegear

# Enable UPnP server for other devices to be able to discover this installation of Homegear
# Default: enableUPnP = true
enableUPnP = true

# Sets the IP address, the UPnP server listens on. By default auto discovery is used, but this might not work,
# if multiple interfaces exist. Only set specific IP addresses not "". Alternatively the interface name can be
# specified here (e. g. "eth0").
# Default: uPnPIpAddress =
# uPnPIpAddress = 

# Sets the IP address, the SSDP server listens on. By default auto discovery is used, but this might not work,
# if multiple interfaces exist. Only set specific IP addresses not "". Alternatively the interface name can be
# specified here (e. g. "eth0").
# Default: ssdpIpAddress =
# ssdpIpAddress =

# Sets the port number, the SSDP server listens on. By default Homegear listens on port 1900, but this might not work,
# if other processes listen in this port as well.
# Default: ssdpPort = 1900
# ssdpPort =  

# Path to device description files
# Default: /etc/homegear/devices
deviceDescriptionPath = /etc/homegear/devices

# Path to the RPC clients event server settings file.
# Default: clientSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf
clientSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf

# Path to the RPC server settings file.
# Default: serverSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
serverSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf

# Path to the MQTT settings file.
# Default: mqttSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf
mqttSettingsPath = /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf

# Path to the device family config files.
# Default: familyConfigPath = /etc/homegear/families
familyConfigPath = /etc/homegear/families

# Path to php.ini.
# Default: phpIniPath = /etc/homegear/php.ini
phpIniPath = /etc/homegear/php.ini

# Path to the GPIO root directory. Only relevant if one of the communication modules needs GPIO access.
# Default: gpioPath = /sys/class/gpio
gpioPath = /sys/class/gpio

# Export these GPIOs and set permissions when running Homegear as root or starting Homegear with "-s".
# exportGpios = 5, 6, 7

# Path to scripts which can be executed by calling "runScript"
# Default: scriptPath = /var/lib/homegear/scripts
scriptPath = /var/lib/homegear/scripts

# Default: scriptPathPermissions = 770
# scriptPathPermissions = 770

# Default: scriptPathUser =
# scriptPathUser = homegear

# Default: scriptPathGroup =
# scriptPathGroup = homegear

# Set to "false" to disable Node-BLUE
# Default: enableNodeBlue = true
enableNodeBlue = true

# Path where Node-BLUE is located.
# Default: nodeBluePath = /var/lib/homegear/node-blue
nodeBluePath = /var/lib/homegear/node-blue

# Default: nodeBluePathPermissions = 770
# nodeBluePathPermissions = 770

# Default: nodeBluePathUser =
# nodeBluePathUser = homegear

# Default: nodeBluePathGroup =
# nodeBluePathGroup = homegear

# Path where flow data is stored.
# Default: nodeBlueDataPath = /var/lib/homegear/node-blue/data
nodeBlueDataPath = /var/lib/homegear/node-blue/data

# Default: nodeBlueDataPathPermissions = 770
# nodeBlueDataPathPermissions = 770

# Default: nodeBlueDataPathUser =
# nodeBlueDataPathUser = homegear

# Default: nodeBlueDataPathGroup =
# nodeBlueDataPathGroup = homegear

# Enables highlighting of active nodes and display of last output in Node-BLUE. As this needs a lot of resources
# disable it if you finished setting up your logic.
nodeBlueDebugOutput = true

# Path where Admin UI is located.
# Default: adminUiPath = /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui
adminUiPath = /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public

# Default: adminUiPathPermissions = 770
# adminUiPathPermissions = 770

# Default: adminUiPathUser =
# adminUiPathUser = homegear

# Default: adminUiPathGroup =
# adminUiPathGroup = homegear

# Path where UI is located.
# Default: uiPath = /var/lib/homegear/ui
uiPath = /var/lib/homegear/ui

# Default: uiPathPermissions = 770
# uiPathPermissions = 770

# Default: uiPathUser =
# uiPathUser = homegear

# Default: uiPathGroup =
# uiPathGroup = homegear

# Path to the family modules.
# Default: modulePath = /var/lib/homegear/modules
modulePath = /var/lib/homegear/modules

# Path to the directory with firmware updates
# Default: firmwarePath = /usr/share/homegear/firmware
firmwarePath = /usr/share/homegear/firmware

# Path to a directory where Homegear can store temporary data
# Default: tempPath = /var/lib/homegear/tmp
tempPath = /var/lib/homegear/tmp

# If lockFilePath is empty, the executable path is used. If unset, "/var/lock" is used.
# Default: lockFilePath = /var/lock
# /var/run/ is not the correct path for lock files. But as /var/lock is not user-writeable
# on some systems, we decided to move the lock files to /var/run/homegear.
lockFilePath = /var/run/homegear

# If unset permissions are not set on start of Homegear.
# Default: lockFilePathPermissions = 770
lockFilePathPermissions = 770

# If unset user is not set on start of Homegear.
# Default: lockFilePathUser =
lockFilePathUser = homegear

# If unset group is not set on start of Homegear.
# Default: lockFilePathGroup =
lockFilePathGroup = homegear

# Path to certificate for signing OAuth data. This is used to avoid the necessity to store the OAuth keys in Homegear's database
# Default: oauthCertPath = /etc/homegear/homegear.crt
oauthCertPath = /etc/homegear/homegear.crt

# Path to certificate to verify OAuth signatures
# Default: oauthKeyPath = /etc/homegear/homegear.key
oauthKeyPath = /etc/homegear/homegear.key

# The number of seconds an OAuth token is valid. After this amount of time it needs to be refreshed.
oauthTokenLifetime = 3600

# The number of seconds an OAuth refresh token is valid.
oauthRefreshTokenLifetime = 5184000

# Some clients don't provide the option to set their hostname to 
# "localhost" or "" so a SSH tunnel normally wouldn't work.
# To redirect communication to a client's XML RPC event server through a
# SSH tunnel in this case, specify the client's XML RPC server address 
# here. Homegear replaces the provided address (or hostname) with 
# (or ::1 when IPv6 is used). Multiple entries are allowed.
# redirectToSSHTunnel =
# redirectToSSHTunnel = fdef:abcd:bcda::1234
# redirectToSSHTunnel =
# redirectToSSHTunnel = MyHostname

# Some clients (like the CCU2) send localhost as address to a remote Homegear
# installation. Homegear then tries to connect to localhost which of course
# fails. As a workaround Homegear can replace the address sent from the client
# with a working address. $REMOTEIP is replaced automatically with the remote ip
# address.
#                                Address to search for          Address to use
#                                          |                           |
#                                          V                           V
replaceClientServerAddress = xmlrpc_bin:// xmlrpc_bin://$REMOTEIP:1999
replaceClientServerAddress = http://$REMOTEIP:9292/bidcos

#### !!!Don't change settings below unless you know exactly what you're doing!!! ####
#### !!!Don't change settings below unless you know exactly what you're doing!!! ####
#### !!!Don't change settings below unless you know exactly what you're doing!!! ####

# When set to "true" Homegear waits for NTP to set the correct time. The check tests, if the unix time stamp is less
# than 1000000000.
# Default: waitForCorrectTime = true
waitForCorrectTime = true

# Default: prioritizeThreads = true
prioritizeThreads = true

# The number of bytes to allocate for secure memory. Increase it if you get the GCrypt
# error "Could not allocate memory". "0" disables secure memory. The minimum value is
# 16384. Values smaller than the minimum value are set to the minimum (= default) value.
# So you can set secureMemorySize to "1" to use the default value defined by GCrypt.
# Default: secureMemorySize = 65536
secureMemorySize = 65536

# Default: workerThreadWindow = 3000
workerThreadWindow = 3000

# Default scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript = 4
scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript = 4

# Default scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess = -1
scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess = 50

# Default scriptEngineThreadCount = 10
scriptEngineThreadCount = 5

# Default: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections = 10
scriptEngineServerMaxConnections = 10

# When the scriptengine queues hang for this amount of time (in milliseconds), the process is killed.
# Default: scriptEngineWatchdogTimeout = -1
scriptEngineWatchdogTimeout = 60000

# Set to true to debug the script engine client process with Valgrind.
# Default: scriptEngineManualClientStart = false
scriptEngineManualClientStart = false

# Default: nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountServer = 10
nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountServer = 5

# Default: nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountNodes = 10
nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountNodes = 10

# Default: nodeBlueServerMaxConnections = 20
nodeBlueServerMaxConnections = 50

# Default: maxNodeThreadsPerProcess = 40
maxNodeThreadsPerProcess = 60

# When the Node-BLUE queues hang for this amount of time (in milliseconds), the process is killed.
# Default: nodeBlueWatchdogTimeout = -1
nodeBlueWatchdogTimeout = 60000

# Set to true to debug the Node-BLUE client process with Valgrind.
# Default: nodeBlueManualClientStart = false
nodeBlueManualClientStart = false

# Default: ipcThreadCount = 10
ipcThreadCount = 5

# Default: ipcServerMaxConnections = 20
ipcServerMaxConnections = 20

# Default: cliServerMaxConnections = 50
cliServerMaxConnections = 50

# Default: rpcServerMaxConnections = 50
rpcServerMaxConnections = 50

# Default: rpcServerThreadPriority = 0
rpcServerThreadPriority = 0

# Default: rpcServerThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER
rpcServerThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER

# Default: rpcClientMaxServers = 50
rpcClientMaxServers = 50

# Default: rpcClientThreadPriority = 0
rpcClientThreadPriority = 0

# Default: rpcClientThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER
rpcClientThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER

# Default: workerThreadPriority = 0
workerThreadPriority = 0

# Default: workerThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER
workerThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER

# Default: packetQueueThreadPriority = 45
packetQueueThreadPriority = 45

# Default: packetQueueThreadPolicy = SCHED_FIFO
packetQueueThreadPolicy = SCHED_FIFO

# Default: packetReceivedThreadPriority = 0
packetReceivedThreadPriority = 0

# Default: packetReceivedThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER
packetReceivedThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER

# Default: eventMaxThreads = 20
eventThreadCount = 5

# Default: eventThreadPriority = 0
eventThreadPriority = 0

# Default: eventThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER
eventThreadPolicy = SCHED_OTHER

the signal 11 received error appears only when I activate MQTT (which also did work fine before), this is an issue but since I can’t see the cube in homegear, it is a secondary issue for now…

(and thanks to all for your help!)

Config seems right…
Do you use ufw or something else ?

I don’t know what ufw is, so I guess I don’t?

UFW is a simple firewall application:
What is the output from netstat -l ?

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:ssh                [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 localhost:cisco-sccp    [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:2001               [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:2002               [::]:*                  LISTEN     
udp        0      0  *                          
udp        0      0*                          
udp        0      0*                          
udp        0      0 *                          
udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:dhcpv6-client      [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:49477              [::]:*                             
raw6       0      0 [::]:ipv6-icmp          [::]:*                  7          
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8960     /var/run/dhcpcd.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8962     /var/run/dhcpcd.unpriv.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8195     /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8198     /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8201     /run/thd.socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6434     /run/systemd/fsck.progress
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     62814    /run/user/1000/systemd/private
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     62819    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     62822    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     62824    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.browser
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     62826    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11162    /var/run/homegear/homegearSE.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6045     /run/systemd/private
unix  2      [ ACC ]     SEQPACKET  LISTENING     6062     /run/udev/control
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6070     /run/systemd/journal/stdout
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11215    /var/run/homegear/homegearFE.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11217    /var/run/homegear/homegearIPC.sock

Your homegear is simply not running.
Something like this is missing:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Try homegear only with default config and look if this port appears at your using ports list.

ok I just tried a reinstall of homegear (from repository, version 0.7.39) on a brand new install of raspbian stretch, nothing else, no family module, no config changed and I have this output with netstat -l:

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:ssh                [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 localhost:cisco-sccp    [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:2001               [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 [::]:2002               [::]:*                  LISTEN     
udp        0      0  *                          
udp        0      0*                          
udp        0      0*                          
udp        0      0 *                          
udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:38678              [::]:*                             
udp6       0      0 [::]:dhcpv6-client      [::]:*                             
raw6       0      0 [::]:ipv6-icmp          [::]:*                  7          
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     37178    /var/run/homegear/homegearSE.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     18236    /run/systemd/private
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     37190    /var/run/homegear/homegearFE.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     37192    /var/run/homegear/homegearIPC.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     9341     /var/run/dhcpcd.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     9343     /var/run/dhcpcd.unpriv.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     SEQPACKET  LISTENING     6056     /run/udev/control
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11947    /run/user/1000/systemd/private
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11952    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6066     /run/systemd/fsck.progress
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11955    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.browser
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6068     /run/systemd/journal/stdout
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11957    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     11959    /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8376     /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8379     /run/thd.socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     8381     /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket

I don’t know whats happening but your homegear still not running homegear correctly…
Port 36845 is still missing.

You installed from repository, have you choosen the right installer ?
There is an extra installer fo raspbian, just sayin…

Also try to install the 0.8 nightly with admin webinterface.

When I say from repository, I meant I did it through apt-get install homegear, as indicated in the documentation

I’ll try 0.8.0 again and let you know, thanks for your help anyway!

Tried with 0.8.0, no change in the output of netstat -l
I also tried a docker container, on a different raspberry pi, and still no 36485 port…
Could it be a Raspberry Pi incompatibility? it used to work with no trouble the first time, how can it be!?

No RPI incompatibility, mine is working fine on an RPI 3…
Try to get help at the homegear forums.

Hi All. I’ve been reading the thread and have seen multiple entries with links to docker images to run on Can someone recommend the best image to run on the pi? Im a running a pi3 b+

I did, but with no answer for the moment…

I’ve actually now tried both addons I found, from stefangries / @AndrejDelany and from kreativmonkey.
With the first, I get the following error at startup:
id: ‘homegear’: no such user
id: ‘homegear’: no such user
chown: invalid user: ‘homegear:homegear’
cp: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/homegear/*’: No such file or directory
chown: invalid user: ‘homegear:homegear’
homegear: unrecognized service
homegear-management: unrecognized service
homegear-influxdb: unrecognized service

With the second, nearly the same:

chown: invalid user: 'homegear:homegear'
cp: cannot stat '/var/lib/*': No such file or directory
chown: invalid user: 'homegear:homegear'
homegear: unrecognized service
homegear-management: unrecognized service
homegear-influxdb: unrecognized service

any thoughts?