I’m trying to play specific tracks in dfplayer using the mqtt client to get track numbers from ha. It works if I specify the payload using multiple topics in the esphome config like this:
broker: 192....
username: !secret mqtt_client_user1
password: !secret mqtt_client_pass1
- topic: esphome/voice
payload: 1
qos: 0
- dfplayer.set_volume: 15
- delay: 150ms
- dfplayer.play: 1
- topic: esphome/voice
payload: 2
qos: 0
- dfplayer.set_volume: 15
- delay: 150ms
- dfplayer.play: 2
…but that’s just 2 mp3 files for testing, and the code will become unmanageable when there are many files later on.
So I’m trying to use a lambda to make use of the payload. The problem is mqtt gets strings, and the dfplayer function needs an int. The result is ‘failed to convert’ compiler errors if I don’t do anything to convert:
broker: 192....
username: !secret mqtt_client_user1
password: !secret mqtt_client_pass1
topic: esphome/voice
qos: 0
- dfplayer.set_volume: 15
- delay: 150ms
- dfplayer.play: !lambda return x;
If I try stoi I get ‘not declared in scope’ errors:
- dfplayer.play: !lambda return std::stoi(x);
I hope it’s just a syntax error, and this is doable. Any advice?