I’m just starting to use Home Assistant.
Can someone explain me how I can turn a value of a sensor indicated in Watt into a Kilowatt value ?
I’m just starting to use Home Assistant.
Can someone explain me how I can turn a value of a sensor indicated in Watt into a Kilowatt value ?
Hi there…You can create a template senor and convert the value like this.
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Kilowatt Sensor"
unit_of_measurement: "kW"
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.entity') | float * 0.001 }}"
please change the senor.entity to your sensor with watt value
Thanks for the input. I save this script in the configuration.yaml ?
yes you should copy this to configuration,yaml. then restart HA.
instead to convert it to kwh?
Use the integration integration
like this?
- platform: integration
source: sensor.current_power_watt
name: energy_spent
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
I am trying to convert a sensor from W to Kwh with the integration, and I don’t think it is working correctly.
Mi configuration.yaml
platform: template
value_template: “{% set wac = states(‘sensor.shelly_cocina_vitro_horno_consumo’) | float - states(‘sensor.pcsmario_power’) | float - states(‘sensor.blitzwolf_power’) | float - states(‘sensor.blitzwolfestufasalon_power’) | float - 160 %}
{% if (wac) > 0 %}
{{wac | float | round (3)}}
{% else %}
{% endif %}”
friendly_name: ‘Power Aprox AC’
unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
platform: integration
source: sensor.acaprox
name: KwhACAprox
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: h
round: 3
How is it possible that it appears in seconds with 8 Kwh calculated?