Converting degrees C to F

I have been using my Fujitsu Mini splits with HA for a while now, and its recently become less than reliable trying to control them from HA. Which lead me to a github article that instructed on setting up python and mqtt. I am using HA in docker-compose on my rpi4.
Now i have mqtt set up and it works great to control the mini splits, but it seems the sensors in the mini splits report temperature in Celsius, the odd and confusing thing is that the temp is labeled F in the thermostat. I have seen examples such as: Convert celsius to fahrenheit in sensor - #6 by autooat but i dont know how to properly follow the example given or where they are talking about adding the code and such, just as more info on this the device for the new mqtt thermostat is: climate.ac000w002915637

Ideally what i would like to do would be create a thermostat that could be used and would display this all in F.

Thank you.