Converting sqlite3 content to MariaDB under HassOS

I want to convert my HassOS sqlite3 to MariaDB addon. I mean not to only change database type, but the content of database too.
All guides, that I found, in nutshell telling to install packeges with apt, export dump with sqlite3, convert and import to the MariaDB…

But I don’t know how to execute this commands, because have only “Terminal & SSH Add-on” and for example, apt is not function here.

So is there some way run these commands on HassOS or how I can convert DB with content in other way?

Thanks a lot for your answers!

Hi, I have never done this before as I did not care about the history of the recorder but…
Assuming you can get to the sqllite file via a browser, export the db eg. using DBBrowser for sqlite and then use phpMyadmin (also assuming you can connect to mariadb) using that to import…it should work with SQL ex/im
Probably others will respond with CLI type support…preventing a need to install this all for a one-off