Hello there! Today I finished a project I’ve been meaning to get done before Thanksgiving preparations begin. It’s a target temperature + alert system based on HA, ESPHome and Node-RED.
This system has three modes:
- Upper threshold — alert when temperature crosses downward.
- You’ll get notified once when a foodstuff cools below a set temperature.
- Useful to find out when something has cooled in your fridge or counter for long enough.
- Lower threshold — alert when temperature reaches upward.
- You’ll get notified once when a foodstuff goes over a set temperature.
- Useful for steaks and other foodstuffs that must reach a known internal temperature.
- Range thresholds — alert if temperature falls outside of range.
- You’ll get notified when a foodstuff goes below or above two temperature thresholds.
- Useful for long cooking sessions on grills / ovens when you are targeting a specifc temperature, whose temperature may vary over time, and you’d like to make adjustments every once in a while without having to check the grill / oven thermometer constantly.
Check it out here!
Check my other projects in this forum: