Coolcam Z-wave plus water leak sensor with probe

Good day everyone. I bought a Cooclcam water sensor and try to connect to my Z-wave coordinator. No luck. I have 7 other devices connected to the same coordinator without any problem. My coordinator is Nordec, Silicone Lab based device. Any suggestions (return is an options :smile: )

Reset device to factory and try pairing again

Thank you for your quick respond. I tried to do the factory reset, exclusion (someone on YouTube suggested), still no luck. Contact AliExpress, but they are drugging their feet with solution.

Is it too far from controller?

Move it closer and factory reset/include again.

Once itโ€™s factory reset there is no need to exclude it. Even if previously added it will include again as new device. Software should allow you to delete the old pairing

Ok. I will try latter on today. Thank you. Will report back if itโ€™s success or not.

Hold pair button for 10 seconds to do a factory reset, placed sensor next to zwave coordinator.
Nothing happened. Put sensor in pair mode, same result. :man_shrugging:

Today I receive a refund from AliExpress, because of wrong device description on the website. This sensor is for EU market only.